Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


GEN Javin "Entropy" Ke'ylle

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 107b: Attack at Resilia 17,350 12 October 24, 2007
VSG 106b: Death to Heretics 6,335 16 August 11, 2007
RgF 312 14,855 15 December 25, 2004
RgF 311 28,733 8 October 30, 2004
RgF 310 13,407 15 September 30, 2004
RgF 309 19,082 13 July 31, 2004
RgF 308 14,612 8 May 25, 2004
RgF 307 14,958 17 April 15, 2004
RgF 306 13,635 16 March 15, 2004
RgF 305 19,730 17 February 5, 2004
RgF 304 2,398 14 December 5, 2003
RgF 303 12,400 10 October 31, 2003
RgF 302 23,740 15 October 3, 2003
RgF 301 17,447 16 September 4, 2003
RgF 211 25,340 6 July 31, 2003
RgF 210 31,591 14 June 30, 2003
RgF 209 22,800 20 April 30, 2003
RgF 208 21,530 26 March 31, 2003
RgF Substitute 208 28,235 21 February 28, 2003
RgF 207 179,200 4 February 4, 2003
Zodiac 006: T'Seran Rescue 28,780 11 January 17, 2003
RgF 206 22,110 12 December 31, 2002
Aedis 102 Substitute 28,080 14 November 30, 2002
RgF 205 18,696 10 September 30, 2002
RgF 204 28,720 11 August 10, 2002
RgF 203 28,679 15 June 30, 2002
RgF 202: Aedis 101 Substitute 24,365 7 May 31, 2002
RgF 201 28,580 12 April 30, 2002
RgF 111 (Full set) 95,218 6 February 28, 2002
Zodiac 001: Assault and Secure Imperial Outpost Beta 15,400 11 February 8, 2002
RgF 110 35,440 6 January 6, 2002
RgF 108 30,685 10 October 31, 2001
RgF 107 34,044 8 September 30, 2001
RgF 106 29,340 9 September 16, 2001
RgF 105 29,100 16 June 30, 2001
RgF 104 25,510 8 May 30, 2001
RgF 103 19,418 9 April 29, 2001
RgF 102 39,358 9 March 31, 2001
RgF 101 41,545 7 February 27, 2001
Total Score 1,130,446 39 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
PBF 210 16,864 69 July 31, 2000
PBF 209 19,152 26 June 30, 2000
PBF 208 32,605 17 May 31, 2000
Total Score 68,621 3 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 107a: Convoy Raid at Hexos 2,566 17 October 24, 2007
VSG 106a: Infiltrating the Enemy 916 9 August 30, 2007
IBG 409: The Aftermath 1,678 8 September 20, 2004
IBG 408: Save the Base! 4,068 22 August 5, 2004
IBG 407: Under Attack 5,026 13 June 30, 2004
IBG 406: They're after our Base! 1,163 27 May 31, 2004
IBG 405: Going into Battle 4,230 21 April 30, 2004
IBG 404: The Imperial Force 1,944 20 March 31, 2004
IBG 403: Where are the Imperials? 3,039 25 February 29, 2004
IBG 402: Replacement Fighters 2,149 15 January 31, 2004
IBG 401: Homeward Bound 2,038 13 December 31, 2003
IBG 306: The Final Step 1,298 16 November 16, 2003
IBG 305: Escorting the Freighters 2,466 18 October 14, 2003
IBG 304: Hunting the Hunters 5,890 18 September 3, 2003
IBG 303: Continuing the Evactuation 4,746 25 July 31, 2003
IBG 302: The Supernova 2,835 24 July 1, 2003
IBG 301: The Shuttle Tru'lak 2,679 13 May 21, 2003
IBG 209: Recon from New Trask 16,390 8 March 31, 2003
IBG 208: Protect the Prometheus 9,671 14 February 28, 2003
IBG 207: Search and Destroy 7,555 5 January 31, 2003
IBG 206: Resupply and Support 2,873 22 December 31, 2002
IBG 205: Protect the new Base 4,129 9 November 30, 2002
IBG 204: Building a new Base in New Trask 8,778 8 October 4, 2002
IBG 112: Seek and Destroy SSD Imperator 5,652 20 August 30, 2002
IBG 203: Attacking the Imperial Base! 4,877 12 July 10, 2002
IBG 111: The Yaga Minor Shipyards 8,251 10 June 26, 2002
IBG 202: Elornia System Recon 3,520 8 June 10, 2002
IBG 201: Move to New Base 1,236 11 May 10, 2002
IBG 110: Destroy System Defenses 5,581 9 May 10, 2002
IBG 109: Raid Imperial Supplies 16,289 9 April 10, 2002
IBG 108: Destroy Pirate Base 3,133 15 March 10, 2002
IBG 107: Protect Supply Convoy 3,738 14 February 10, 2002
IBG 106: Destroy the SSD Tyrannic 8,434 10 January 10, 2002
IBG 105: Infiltrate Imperial Base 7,740 20 December 10, 2001
IBG 104: TIE Defender Rendezvous 4,854 19 November 3, 2001
IBG 103: Attack on Imperal Patrol 2,749 18 September 5, 2001
IBG 102: Shipyard Strike 3,031 7 August 10, 2001
IBG 101: Convoy Attack 1,466 23 July 6, 2001
Operation Blade 102: Early Strike 18,179 4 June 1, 2001
Operation Blade 101: A Dangerous Beginning 1,440 20 January 22, 2001
Total Score 198,297 40 Reports

TIE Fighter

Mission Score Rank Reported
R2F 608 23,445 10 March 31, 2002
R2F 607 46,430 17 February 27, 2002
Total Score 69,875 2 Reports