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#1522 (4) - Posted by LCM James "Corsair" Folen
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Rules of Life in the Battle Field:
A sucking chest wound is Nature's way of telling you to slow down.
Never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself.
There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.

#1521 (8) - Posted by CPT Kass Hunter
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Know your enemy, Love your enemy, If you're good enough you'll beat him.

#1520 (1) - Posted by GEN Anton "Ups" Nels
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Reabel last few weeks have been busay
`Anton once agian phlacun dominated the other squads
Reabel with the ay on purpose :P
Reabel that's because we chew bubble gum and kick ass ^_^

#1518 (-3) - Posted by BGN Eric Reagan
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[11:24] * Tenshi|Sleep is now known as KieraAchy
[11:24] <Mitsukai> [pause]
[11:24] <Mitsukai> Sparks: ...Made of hemp.
[11:24] <Mitsukai> Hey Kiera-Achey-Breaky-Heart
[11:24] <Mitsukai> ...
[11:24] <Mitsukai> OMFG, I did not just make that reference.
[11:24] <Davin> ROTFLMAO
[11:24] <CPT_Reagan> umm yes, you did
[11:24] <Davin> HAHA!
[11:25] * Davin points and laughs.
[11:25] <Davin> SCREENSHOT!
[11:25] <KieraAchy> Hey
[11:25] <Davin> oh wait...i log this anyway
[11:25] <Davin> ... SCREENSHOT
[11:25] <KieraAchy> I'm sick Achey
[11:25] <KieraAchy> :P

#1517 (4) - Posted by CMDR Vason Senmic
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[00:46] * COL_Aidyn very much wishes he was a girl :(
[00:47] <kailen> you couldn't handle it
[00:47] <COL_Aidyn> lol, yeah I could
[00:47] <CPT_Reagan> he'd just sit at home and masturbate all day long and play with his breasts
[00:47] * Randy builds Marcie a dais and a throne.
[00:47] <kailen> tell me that when you have a vagina
[00:47] * kailen grins
[00:47] <COL_Aidyn> But..I do.

#1516 (7) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
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<Mitsukai> Anyway
<Mitsukai> I disappear
<Mitsukai> Go poof
<Mitsukai> To get naked and soapy
* Mitsukai is now known as RandyPHONE

#1514 (5) - Posted by RA Kyle Tobarn
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<RandySEMI> Kyle is like one part Giz, two parts Sconn, and just a hint of bitterness.
<RandySEMI> I lie, two parts bitterness :P
<kailen> kyle's my hero :P

#1513 (6) - Posted by RA Himm El-Syna
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[22:41] * HimmAFK afks again
[22:41] <Wolf_ZzZz> nooooooooooooooooooooo dont go
[22:41] <Wolf_ZzZz> or i will kill uhm......................................... your inflatable sheep
[22:41] <Wolf_ZzZz> :p
[22:42] * Arania hands Wolf a needle
[22:42] * Licah has joined #IBG
[22:42] <Wolf_ZzZz> thanks
[22:43] * Wolf_ZzZz puts the needle at the sheeps neck
[22:43] <Wolf_ZzZz> COME BACK or suffer
[22:43] * HimmAFK watch as Licah comes between Wessy and the inflatable
[22:43] <Wolf_ZzZz> hey it worked
[22:43] <Licah> meep
[22:43] * Wolf_ZzZz puts the needle in licahs neck
[22:44] * HimmAFK watch as Licah deflates
[22:44] * Wolf_ZzZz brings licah to the medical centre
[22:44] <HimmAFK> heh...the inflatable rubber Licah
[22:45] <Arania> for all our desires? :p

#1512 (6) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
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[21:43:21] <NicolaiRS> Or is Randy just having flashbacks today?
[21:43:27] * Tenshi takes webcam and follows Kiera.
[21:43:51] <Mitsukai> heh, reminds me of when I first joined the ABG :-P
[21:43:59] * Kiera smiles at Sean
[21:44:04] <Mitsukai> All those seven years ago :-P
[21:44:06] <NicolaiRS> *cue flashback music*
[21:44:20] <Kiera> "I was young and horny ... and I got ass."
[21:44:23] <Kiera> :P
[21:44:36] <Mitsukai> She stole the words right out of my mouth. :-P
[21:44:42] <Kiera> "Now ... seven years later, I'm old and horny ... and I get ass."

#1507 (37) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
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<LCable> Make my package come faster!
<Deltavius> ... I really need to get my mind out of the gutter

#1505 (9) - Posted by 2LT Arlon Magistar
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<BGN_Raven> This is a funny side effect
[22:30] <BGN_Raven> On Fat Free Potato Chips: May Cause Anal Leakage
[22:30] * BGN_Raven weighs the options
[22:31] <Sen> .....
[22:31] <CMDR_Morone> 527 views....
[22:31] <BGN_Raven> Gain a little weight...
[22:31] <BGN_Raven> Vs...
[22:31] <Reagan> LOL
[22:31] <BGN_Raven> Leaking from my ass...
[22:31] <Reagan> ROFLMAO
[22:31] <BGN_Raven> I think I'd rather be a fatass than have shit leaking out of it
[22:31] <Reagan> oh god thats hilarious

#1498 (4) - Posted by
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<BGN_Raven> "I'm Death, this is HAHAURFUCKED..." ::He points to Milena:: "...This is Bob the Retarded Stormtrooper..." ::He points to Janis:: "...And this is some other guy you should be afraid of..." ::he points to Draconis:: "Get down on the ground, and surrender. Or die." <Intimidation>
<BGN_Raven> !r 5
<Morone-Slp> BGN_Raven: 5d6 -- 1 6 5 4 6 -- Total: 22 Re-roll: 4
<BGN_Raven> <<Pwnzored>>

#1497 (0) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
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* Deltan peers at Giz
<Deltan> And why in the heck do you think I would be invited into a TG society!?!?!
<Deltan> Wait... nevermind. =/
* BlastAFK snickers

#1492 (1) - Posted by CMDR Rekstar Rukilian
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[17:08] <CastorEL> Bitchslaps don't work. If they did, I'd still be FC.
[17:09] <`Kaz> You're too nice :P
[17:09] <CastorEL> Maybe. :D Probably right.

#1491 (0) - Posted by LCL Michael Morone
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[18:15] <Tethran> GM: Which I'll nicely double to
[18:15] <Tethran> GM: Due to hit location... The droid she hit goes down sparking and fizzing
[18:16] <Tethran> GM: Tethran. You're up next.
[18:16] <Tethran> GM: Hang on... That was a little bit of a pointless announcement.
[18:16] <Age`Charisc> <<that would be you?>>
[18:16] <Renan> <<LOL>>
[18:17] <Johnny_M> <<..........OMG........QUOTED!>>

#1487 (6) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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<SairAFK> You're the only one that stupid, Sconn :P
<`Entropy> He's not stupid. Just stoned 108% of the time.

#1486 (-2) - Posted by CPT Graxe
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Graxe> Pocky Ive already explained it too you
<Graxe> yes
<Graxe> preztal stick coated treat
<Graxe> no I dont want your Pocky
<Graxe> you can keep that Pocky
<Kelron> awww...but all kinds of women want my Pocky :P

#1485 (-2) - Posted by CPT Graxe
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<Kelron> its a small period of sleep during the waking hours to refresh ones energy reserves, thus making up for a lack of sleep the night before.
<Kelron> i was being sarcastic - I don't nap...I can be up for 48 hours, i still won't nap :P
<Graxe> I was going to say for you its a period of time when you are resting during the day but not haveing sex :P
<Kelron> actually, I'm in a time of abstinence - self inflicted ;)
<Graxe> wow never thought Id here those words
* Graxe thinks he will post that
<Kelron> dude, its been like that for almost a month now.

#1484 (9) - Posted by CMDR Tethran Cotec
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<SenR> I'm gonna run downstairs in wet pants and grab something to drink

#1482 (4) - Posted by MGN Mat Bizegar
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* Bizegar changes topic to 'That previous topic sucked... r2f808 due today at 11:59:59 PM EST (or tomorrow at 04:59:59 AM for the Brits)'
<LCMAlex> proly not a bad thing
* LCMAlex slaps the brits
<Bizegar> heh, somehow we get longer :P

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