<LT_Briggs> so sconn does sentinel need a heavy gunner, (from light repeter, to heavy repeter)
<LCM-Sconn> Yeah, we could use someone to carry a big gun, Briggs. Not that I trust you with anything more dangerous than string, but
*** Owain has joined #rs_bar_and_grill
<`Mak> heh...
<`Mak> Heya Owian
<Owain> That's the 7th time you've got my name wrong. I'm keeping count now. And hi.
<MAJ_Mo> Sal, PM
<`Snake> Petr Margul?
<`Snake> :P
<MAJ_Mo> no :P
<MAJ_Mo> Private Message
<MAJ_Mo> General Private Message
*** RS_PM (pmargulrs@sdn-ar-001ohcoluP241.dialsprint.net) has joined #rs_bar_and_grill
<`Snake> here's your PM :)
*** `Davery is now known as DaveLos
*** Los is now known as LosDave
*** DaveLos is now known as Los
*** LosDave is now known as `Davery
<`Eve> ....
<Sair-semi> Thats how they cyber, Eve :P
<`Davery> Los, don't let the peer take you!
*** JakeBlues has quit IRC (http://www.ircap.com)
*** {|Raven|} has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** Los has quit IRC (Broken pipe)
<`Rave> hahaha
<`Davery> damn
<Siggy> Dave, u broke her pipe!
<`Davery> I need to be more gentle
<`Face> Hey Colonel Bashful
<JakeMAIL> bashful???
<RS_Vender> http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/roster/profile.php3?pin=114
<JakeMAIL> who the HELL has been playing with that???!!!
* `Dy-gone giggles.
* `Face laughs
<Damo_Dead> I realise I missed the start of this convo, but whats wrong with candles? :P
<`Dy-semi> Damian, we're not talking about sacrificial candles that you use to offer virgins to the Lords of Evil. :P
<`Kaz> Someone get Kromium his pills
<Kromium> Must..have...DRUGS!
* Maj-John throws Krom his viagra :P
<R_Trace> lol
<Kromium> ...wrong...pills
<`Kaz> I said Kromium's pills, not Rahj's
<Kromium> *Peer John*
*** JohnJK has quit IRC (Read error to JohnJK[ilmtca01-14.midwest.net]: Connection reset by peer)
<Kromium> Man. I have one strong peer
*** JohnJK has joined #RSCD
<Kromium> I have one strong peer
<JohnJK> damn you!
*** Kerensky is now known as Curly_ (black-wol@*.mpls.uswest.net) 03/19/2001 11:23:30.pm
<Larry_> Wasn't it the Red Sea?
(Reivan) Oh for pity's sake.
(Reivan) Clear out.
<MAJ_Mo> hey!
<MAJ_Mo> I'm Mo
<`Kaz> WhooWhooWhooooWhoooo
<Larry_> I'm Larry!
<MAJ_Mo> lol
* `Kaz smacks Curly in the head with a hammer....and wonders why he's not moving
<`Kaz> .....what's that red stuff?
<MAJ_Mo> We have Larry, Curly and Mo