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#1353 (3) - Posted by CMDR Rekstar Rukilian
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
#PBF side discussion during Allston chat.

<Rekstar> yar, Face is bald =)
<Jan-lo> heh
*** Licah sets mode: -o Xtremegene
*** Licah sets mode: -v Xtremegene
<Licah> Yargh.
<Jan-lo> aahahahahaa... we need to tell Face.
<Rekstar> lol
<Licah> he
<Licah> h, yeah.
<Rekstar> gotta love my question =)
* Jan-lo promotes Rekstar
<Rekstar> w00t!

#1352 (1) - Posted by COL Brig Dolaree
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
From a side disscussion in #IBG during the chat with Aaron Allston.

<`Daryus> Hey Din, another od your questions is up
<Dineer> lol
<Dineer> wow. i was just kidding with that one, too.
<`Daryus> lol
<`Daryus> Well we will see what Aaron has to say
<Dineer> "you idiot. shut up."
<Dineer> =P
<RS_Ton> heh
<`Daryus> lol
* `Daryus laughs at Dineer
<Dineer> what can i say? i'm a laughable guy. =D
<`Daryus> Tis true
<Dineer> [07:49 PM] <Dineer> What are the limits/guidelines as far as introducing new technology to the Star Wars universe?
<Dineer> [07:49 PM] <Dineer> =P
<Dineer> [07:49 PM] <Sconn> Damn, you've got a lot of questions. They're all good ones though. Keep it up.
<Dineer> lol
<Tallon> Would you like a trophy?
<Jagged> heh
* `Daryus steps up to the podium
<Brig_D> lol
<Jagged> }--|???|--{ <-- medal of questioning
<Brig_D> rofl
<`Daryus> "For his large numger of questions, I hereby award the Medal of Questioning to Dineer! COme up here chap and give us a speach
<`Daryus> *number
* Dineer steps up and glances around
* Jagged adds it to his Roster profile :p
<Dineer> What the hell did I get this for again?
<Jagged> <Sconn> Damn, you've got a lot of questions. They're all good ones though. Keep it up.
<Jagged> You're entitled, sir!
<Dineer> ..joke. it was a joke. =P
<Dineer> lol
<Jagged> :p
<Brig_D> careful, it might end up as a quote my friend ;)
<Dineer> uh oh.. lol
* `Daryus pins the newest minted medal to Dineer's chest, and then salutes him
* Dineer returns it.. lol
<Dineer> the salute, not the medal. that thing's -mine-. =P
<`Daryus> lol
* Reabel denies that medal being created
<Reabel> :P
<Reabel> jk
<Dineer> i've got a few more on the conveyor belt.. maybe they'll get asked. =P
* `Daryus turns back to the podium. "Now I want to award the hard-ass award to none other then Ent!
<`Daryus> lol
<Reabel> ..
* Reabel gives "the most awarding" award to Daryus
<`Daryus> LOL
<`Daryus> Smart-alec
* `Daryus slaps Reabel with his award

#1351 (0) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[00:39:26] <Licah> woot KoC mercs!!
[00:39:40] * Licah sells off 4 dragonskins and buys 198.
[00:40:27] <Randy> ya know, at the end of the day a mercenary isn't that different from a whore.
[00:41:06] <Licah> I now have 270 untrained mercs
[00:41:07] <Licah> Heh
[00:41:08] <Licah> I suppose.
[00:41:15] <Licah> I like the little buggers in KoC :P
[00:41:20] <RS_Renan> the merc might still have his virginity, and he won't get pregnent. :P
[00:41:36] <Randy> But he still whores his body out for money
[00:41:39] <Randy> And he could die.
[00:42:04] <Randy> She's not a whore! She's an independant contractor!

#1350 (5) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[23:04:01] * Joins: Sconn (
[23:04:06] * Joins: Ciredik (
[23:04:27] * Jon` walks beside Randy "I can't believe I could do that with the tree..."
[23:04:34] <Randy> GM: Renan, can you get Sconn. Raven, take Zak please?
[23:04:44] <Randy> "Beginners luck." :-P
[23:05:07] <COL_Raven> <<Done :P>>
[23:05:08] <Sconn> <<That' of the weirdest lines I've heard coming into a sim.>>
[23:05:13] * Jon` grins "I like it, I am a beginer from here out"

#1348 (8) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Morone`> borsk, you could use the alt - F4 help command to learn them too
* Quits: JensenSmoke (~Stud142t@ (Quit: "I want to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill." Full Metal Jacket)
* Joins: MAJ_Jensen (~Stud142t@
<LCL_Borsk> jensen, you actually used the alt-f4?
<MAJ_Jensen> yep

#1347 (11) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[09:55:28] <`Zek> <--- Was supposed to be golfing right now, but the stupid director of the tour didn't put his name down, cause we didn't call and tell him I was going to play since it didn't say we needed to on the info packet thingy
[09:55:32] <COL_Rzaven> ...t-y-p-o
[09:55:41] <COL_Rzaven> RZAVEN!
[09:55:45] <RedSOGGY> just climbed out the bath :P
[09:55:48] <COL_Rzaven> Sounds rappish
[09:55:50] * COL_Rzaven is now known as COL_Raven
[09:55:53] <Randy-sensei> So...
[09:56:03] <Randy-sensei> You're angry because you can't play golf...
[09:56:08] <`Zek> yeah
[09:56:38] * Randy-sensei teaches Zek to talk and curse like an enraged Scotsman
[09:57:45] <Randy-sensei> Hit the ball...
[09:57:48] <Randy-sensei> Get in the cart
[09:57:51] <Randy-sensei> Hit the ball...
[09:57:52] <Randy-sensei> Get in the cart
[09:57:56] <Randy-sensei> Hit the ball...
[09:57:58] <`Zek> no cart
[09:57:58] <Randy-sensei> Get in the cart
[09:58:00] <Randy-sensei> :-P
[09:58:15] <COL_Raven> heh
[09:58:18] <Randy-sensei> I say there's a cart.
[09:58:19] <COL_Raven> one time i went golfing
[09:58:19] <`Zek> we don't use carts, we do a thing called walking
[09:58:24] <COL_Raven> my dad was pissing me off
[09:58:27] <Randy-sensei> So there's a cart God dammit. :-P
[09:58:28] <COL_Raven> so I hit the ball really hard
[09:58:30] <COL_Raven> and really wrong
[09:58:34] <Randy-sensei> Like walking is so hard/
[09:58:39] <COL_Raven> it bounced off a tree and nailed him in the groin
[09:58:47] <Randy-sensei> lmfao
[09:58:49] <Randy-sensei> Justice
[09:58:51] <COL_Raven> I couldn't have planned it ANY better, or do it again even if I tried
[09:58:52] <`Zek> lol
[09:59:01] <COL_Raven> another time
[09:59:04] <COL_Raven> I hit the ball
[09:59:07] <COL_Raven> made a nice THWACK
[09:59:10] <COL_Raven> and i'm trying to find it
[09:59:15] <COL_Raven> "Wow, that must have gone fa..."
[09:59:22] <COL_Raven> I notice a white sphere lance down infront of me
[09:59:31] <COL_Raven> the ball went 3 feet forward, and about 5 miles up :P
[09:59:36] <Randy-sensei> lmfao
[09:59:41] <Randy-sensei> Mike please
[09:59:50] <Randy-sensei> I'm about to choke on my cereal. :-P
[09:59:54] <COL_Raven> Wait!
[09:59:56] <COL_Raven> Another time
[10:00:01] <COL_Raven> i'm going down a hill in the cart
[10:00:06] <COL_Raven> and the f*cking governor
[10:00:11] <COL_Raven> isn't letting me go I nail it
[10:00:16] <COL_Raven> then throw the f*cking thing in neutral :P
[10:00:35] <COL_Raven> it disengages the governor, and I slammed into a large standing pool of water (Ok...I couldn't turn and went into a lake...)
[10:00:52] <Randy-sensei> lol
[10:00:58] <COL_Raven> I told the guys at the club house it was a malfunction and got 3 free rounds of golf :P
[10:01:11] * Randy-sensei dies laughing
[10:01:16] <`Zek> lol
[10:01:37] <COL_Raven> I also was playing chicken, that day
[10:01:39] <Randy-sensei> Golf and Nascar. :-P
[10:01:44] <Randy-sensei> Both are "sports"
[10:01:44] <COL_Raven> with the pacer
[10:01:48] <Randy-sensei> Neither should be. :-P
[10:01:50] <COL_Raven> I was chatting with him
[10:01:57] <COL_Raven> he's like: "Yeah...this gets boring after awhile.'
[10:02:07] <COL_Raven> Me> "...Wanna play Chicken?"
[10:02:09] <COL_Raven> He nodded, and so we did :P
[10:02:26] <Randy-sensei> Who flinched first? :-P
[10:02:31] <COL_Raven> pshaw
[10:02:34] <COL_Raven> I kept ramming him :P
[10:02:37] <COL_Raven> he gave up :P
[10:02:38] <Randy-sensei> lol
[10:02:54] <COL_Raven> heh, another time, my dad goes to tee up
[10:02:56] <COL_Raven> 1st green
[10:02:59] <COL_Raven> stands too far back
[10:03:03] <COL_Raven> and the ball doesn't go straight
[10:03:04] <COL_Raven> oh no
[10:03:08] <COL_Raven> doesn't go diagional
[10:03:09] <COL_Raven> no no no
[10:03:12] <COL_Raven> goes straight to the right
[10:03:17] <COL_Raven> and blasts past like 3 people's heads
[10:03:35] <Randy-sensei> lol
[10:03:39] <`Zek> heh
[10:03:43] <COL_Raven> So here's this deathball
[10:03:48] <COL_Raven> bounces off the clubhouse side
[10:03:50] <Randy-sensei> I never knew golf could be so amusing in reality. :-P
[10:03:51] <COL_Raven> and smacks into...
[10:04:01] <COL_Raven> a 2002, brand new (no plates, the paper sh*tty thing)
[10:04:03] <COL_Raven> corvette
[10:04:16] <Randy-sensei> rofl
[10:04:16] <COL_Raven> the owner chased my dad across the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th holes
[10:04:18] <`Zek> roflol
[10:04:36] <Randy-sensei> Justice :-P
[10:04:37] <COL_Raven> Here *I* am at the tee
[10:04:39] <COL_Raven> laughing my ass off
[10:05:00] <COL_Raven> so i hit the ball, crappy shot because i was laughing
[10:05:03] <COL_Raven> next guy walks up
[10:05:05] <COL_Raven> SMASH!
[10:05:10] <COL_Raven> puts HIS ball through the vette's windshield
[10:05:19] <Randy-sensei> lmfao
[10:05:46] <Randy-sensei> I think there's a lesson there. :-P
[10:05:51] <COL_Raven> Yeah
[10:05:54] <COL_Raven> Aim for the vette
[10:06:00] <COL_Raven> and you'll sink a hole in 1
[10:06:10] <Randy-sensei> roflmfao
[10:06:26] <Randy-sensei> brb
[10:06:27] <COL_Raven> lets see
[10:06:32] <COL_Raven> any other funny sports stories...
[10:06:34] <COL_Raven> OH YEAH
[10:06:38] <COL_Raven> I was at the batting cages
[10:06:45] <COL_Raven> and ya know how they have those automated systems, blah blah
[10:06:50] <COL_Raven> and there's a guy sometimes in there
[10:06:55] <COL_Raven> with a cage around him
[10:07:02] <COL_Raven> well, our cage had some holes in it
[10:07:04] <COL_Raven> from abuse
[10:07:16] <COL_Raven> but they didn't think a ball could fit through em
[10:07:20] <COL_Raven> so they didn't bother repairing
[10:07:28] <COL_Raven> so im standing at the plate, ball comes...
[10:07:30] <COL_Raven> THWACK
[10:07:35] <COL_Raven> I see it go through one of the holes
[10:07:52] <COL_Raven> and a resounding "SON OF A MOTHER F*CKING OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW." Rings across the cagee
[10:08:06] <Randy-sensei> lol
[10:08:09] <COL_Raven> nailed the poor guy in the back with the ball
[10:08:17] <COL_Raven> as he was fixing something
[10:08:28] <Randy-sensei> lmfao

#1346 (2) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[09:22:55] <Randy> Question
[09:23:03] <Randy> How does one have sex with a hen?

#1345 (3) - Posted by COL Brig Dolaree
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Dineer> my friends and i used to play SWRPG all the time.
<Dineer> and one of my friends, this crazy guy that was usually tripping on shrooms, always played these crazy characters..
<Dineer> so this one game.. he had an Ewok character, and his Ewok was a Jedi Knight.. emphasizing in telepathy and mind control. that sort of thing.
<Dineer> so he could pretty much make anyone do whatever he wanted. so..
<Dineer> we were being chased by these stormtroopers and he took control of -all- of them. all five of them.
<Dineer> and we had our own stormtrooper unit.
<Brig_D> lol
<Reabel8> lol
<Dineer> so he gets up on the shoulders of one of his troopers, raises his little staff in the air..and says.. "I am a GOD! I am your small, fuzzy god!"
<Brig_D> ROFL
<Dineer> and he made the stormtroopers get on their knees and bow to him.

#1344 (2) - Posted by COL Brig Dolaree
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Reabel> time for a ghost story
<Reabel> i was flying a scouting mission one day...
<Reabel> i was prepared to jump to light speed.
<Reabel> right before i engaged the drives, i heard strange noise, kinda like a mosquitoe flying past your ear
<Reabel> anyways, i went into light speed for about a minute..
<Reabel> when i came out, i was in the middle of this massive battle
<Reabel> ships all over the place, both destroyed and dying
<Reabel> ships that look damn-near impossible.
* Phil_Dark ( has
joined #IBG
<Reabel> anyways i decided to jump back to light speed, heading back to the base..
<Reabel> the weird thing is...when i got back...nothing was there..
<Reabel> the coordinates were right and everything, but nothing was there..
<Reabel> all of a sudden, this gigantic ship dropped out of light speed...
<Reabel> it was weird...the ship looked like an up-side-down spoon
* XtremeAfk (xtremegene@ has joined #IBG
<Reabel> it fired some weird weapon at me..
<Reabel> there was a bright light
<Reabel> then all of a sudden i was back
<Brig_D> and then what happened
<Reabel> everything was there...
<Reabel> and when i checked in, everyone was like .. "where the hell have you been?"
<Reabel> they said i was gone for 3 weeks
<Reabel> it felt like 10 minutes
<Brig_D> that is strange
<Reabel> and...even weirder...i gained 20 pounds
<Brig_D> !!!
* Reabelati ( Quit (Quit: System Flood)
<Reabel> i analuzed my droid a bit, looked at the data..
<Reabel> seems that i over shot my exit point, and shot throught a star..
<Reabel> it was some really weird data i found..
<Brig_D> it sounds like it
<Reabel> seems like i was sent to another galxy..
<Reabel> galaxy*
<Reabel> and also..
<Reabel> the sensor readings i found about that ship..
<Reabel> on the top of the ship, there was a name..
<Reabel> uss enterprise...
<Reabel> weird eh?
<Reabel> i still dont know what that buzzing noise was..
<Brig_D> very wierd
<Reabel> makes ya think about all those MIA people..
<Reabel> what really happened to them

#1342 (1) - Posted by COL Reabel
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor

[21:30] * Now talking in #IBG
[21:30] * Topic is '<Reabel> hell, if i could use my penis as a joystick i prolly would'
[21:30] * Set by `Entropy on Sun May 30 21:13:00
[21:30] <Reabel> yep..
[21:33] * Reabelati has joined #IBG
[21:34] <Reabelati> hey, brig
[21:34] <Reabelati> wanna roast some marshmellows?
[21:34] <Brig_D> lol
[21:34] <Brig_D> Yeah, sounds good to me
[21:34] * Reabelati gets out the marshmellows
[21:34] <Reabelati> actually...i dont like
[21:34] * Reabelati hands brig the bag
[21:35] * Reabelati gets out some hotdogs for himself
[21:35] <Brig_D> lol
[21:35] <Brig_D> ummm marshmellows
[21:35] <Brig_D> drooling
[21:35] <Reabel> i feel lonely
[21:35] <Reabel> lol
[21:37] <Brig_D> yeah, the room got awefully quiet
[21:37] <Reabel> well..
[21:37] <Reabel> someone needs to stay here and keep the topic
[21:37] <Reabel> keep it waiting for x we must
[21:37] <Brig_D> lol
* Retrieving #IBG modes...
[21:37] <Brig_D> maybe the crew will come back in soon
[21:37] <Reabel> maybe..
[21:38] <Brig_D> hopefully just a technical malfunciton
[21:38] <Reabel> maybe this is a warning from beyond, telling me not to play with myself..

#1339 (4) - Posted by CPT Kyle Dineer
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> you know what sucks?
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> not having a credit card..
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> no porn..
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> lol
[08:11 PM] <Dineer> ...
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> no MMORPGs usually either
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> even the "15 day trials"
[08:11 PM] <Dineer> you really -are- hard-wired to the internet aren't you, Jed?
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> they need your credit card for those
[08:11 PM] <Reabel> yes
[08:12 PM] <Reabel> hell, if i could use my penis as a joystick i prolly would
[08:12 PM] *** `Ent-Away is now known as `Entropy
[08:12 PM] <Reabel> hey is that quote worthy?
[08:12 PM] <Reabel> lol
[08:12 PM] <`Entropy> Not only is that quotable. That's topicable.
[08:12 PM] <Dineer> i think maybe so.

#1338 (3) - Posted by COL Brig Dolaree
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Reabel> you gonna play on the UO server if people get it running?
<`Ent-Away> I did for a bit.
<`Ent-Away> Got bored.
<Reabel> i mean the free one....
<Reabel> is it up?
<`Ent-Away> Haven't played in a while.
<`Ent-Away> You'd have to ask Blaster.
<`Ent-Away> Or Kaz.
<`Ent-Away> They were setting it up, but it was damn near impossible to do anything with a new character.
<Reabel> ent, SWG, UO or L2?
<`Ent-Away> UO
<`Ent-Away> What the hell is L2?
<Reabel> lineage 2
<Dineer> ugh. too much hype for me.
<`Ent-Away> You asked me about UO. Why would I give you answers that dealt with SWG or L2?
<Reabel> no, im saying, what do you prefer?
<`Ent-Away> I refuse to pay for SWG. And I vaguely remember discussing L2.
<Reabel> L2 is like...UX
<`Ent-Away> Whatever the f*ck UX is.
<Dineer> ux?
<Reabel> hold on
<Dineer> stop using so goddamn many abbreviations.
<Dineer> sh*t. -he- doesn't even know what it means.
<Dineer> "hold on." ..he's gotta look the damn thing up.
<`Ent-Away> Heh. "What the hell DID I mean by UX?"

#1337 (6) - Posted by COL Brig Dolaree
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Brig_D> heck, a auto can stay afloat til it fills with water and sinks. The xwing might just be more watertight
<Dineer> right. there are a lot of possibilities, there.
<Reabel> ..
<Dineer> well..
<Dineer> it would just about have to be. =P
<Reabel> the xwing would have to be air tight
<Reabel> wouldnt it?
<Dineer> considering.. y'know.. it flies in space, and all.
<Brig_D> yeah lol
<Reabel> stop stealing my words dineer
<Reabel> :@
<Reabel> lol
<Dineer> lol
<Dineer> yeah. that's a scary thought.
<Dineer> i think i'll just shut up now.
<`Ent-Away> I would certainly HOPE an X-wing is more airtight than a car.
<Reabel> lol
<`Ent-Away> Otherwise, SW would have been 6 movies filled with explosive decompression.
<Brig_D> ROFL
<Reabel> lol
<Dineer> ..that would've been interesting enough, actually.
<`Ent-Away> "Luke, use the Force. Let it guide your actions." "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! *SPLAT*"
<Reabel> ...
<Reabel> hey ent
<Dineer> "C'mon baby, hold together." *crunch*
<`Ent-Away> Would sucked to be the tech who had to clean THAT mess out.

#1336 (3) - Posted by COL Brig Dolaree
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Brig_D> you know, i was surfing the other day, and someone actually has written a document arguing that the ewoks had gone extinct on Endor due to the Death Star exploding
<Dineer> i've read that.. lol
<Brig_D> and had written it based on multiple theories of what happened.
<Dineer> makes sense to me.
<Brig_D> Well, one thing that didnt make sense to me
<Dineer> i never liked the little tree-huggers that much, anyway.
<Dineer> kinda got on my nerves.
<Brig_D> ROFL
<Brig_D> The guy was talkigina about all the radiation and xwrays from the blast hitting the planet causing sterility
<Brig_D> now, if that is so, how could Han and Leia have childeren ;)
<Dineer> hehe
<Brig_D> I would agree with the debrees posibly causing smomething akin to nuclear winter
<Dineer> well.. it takes a good bit of radiation to cause sterility in humans. i'm not sure how the ewoks would hold up.. because.. well.. they're fictional.. =P
<Brig_D> ROFL
<Brig_D> are they ;) Just because you havent seen a ewok, does that mean they dont exist ROFL
<Dineer> i sure as hell -hope- they are.
<Brig_D> ROFL
<Brig_D> ROFL
<Dineer> if i ever hear a "yub yub" while i'm walking down the street, i just may have to kill someone.
* XtremeAfk ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Brig_D> ROFL
<Brig_D> watch out, we have an ewok in draco, he might come and get you ;)
<Dineer> lol
<Brig_D> at least we did the last time i looked at pilot profiles ROFLOL
<Dineer> does he use little stilts so he can reach the rudder pedals? lol
<Brig_D> I think so ;)
<Dineer> or does he just use midget starfighters?
<Dineer> lmao
<Brig_D> lol
<Dineer> "sorry, sir.. hangar's full." -- "no, no.. we can squeeze one more in. he's an ewok."

#1334 (1) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<JensenGone> I have 3 accounts
<JensenGone> 2 I pay monthly and 1 yearly
<Randy> It's so easy to use your current net connection instead of X-Box Live and pay $0 extra
<JensenGone> the monthly ones are $6.99 per month
<Ciredik> you have 3 x-box live accounts?
<JensenGone> and the year one is $49.99 a month
<Randy> No wonder you're a Republican
<JensenGone> so I pay about $30 more a year if I pay by the month

#1333 (3) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* MAJ_Jensen backflips into real life and back to X-Box live
<Ciredik> real life does not equal x-box live :P
<JensenGone> for me it does

#1332 (1) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<MAJ_Jensen> I pay for X-Box live by the month instead of the year, cause I want microsoft to get more money to make better games

#1330 (3) - Posted by COL Cephisus Balder
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<DashClone> moo moo moo
<Swomz> poo poo poo
<DashClone> bwgan
<DashClone> ack! the red pills escaped
<Phil_Dark> ...
<DashClone> space monkeys stole them
* Zek has joined #rs_bar_and_Grill
<DashClone> damn space monkeys.
<DashClone> they ar evil
* Swomz ravages the space monkeys
* Swomz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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#1329 (1) - Posted by RA Himm El-Syna
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Tallon> ugh...MaxTallon, Tallon, MTallon, Wireless all taken.
<Tallon> Gonna have to start throwing numbers in there
<`Jon> no
<`Jon> RS_Tallon
<Tallon> oh yea *slaps forehead*

#1328 (5) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[04:43:09] * Quits: Reabs ( (Quit: Im a total and incompetant moron!)
[04:43:25] <Reabel> lol
[04:43:32] <Reabel> like my quit message?
[04:43:37] <Reabel> sh*t..
[04:43:41] <Reabel> i gotta change it
[04:43:43] <Reabel> should be..
[04:43:56] <Reabel> Im a totally incompetant moron!

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