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#1481 (0) - Posted by CMDR Alexxander Vandross
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
14:23] * AlexFoodMovi is now known as AlexEatMovie
[14:24] * Tallon has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[14:24] <Vason> Movies usually taste bad, dont they? I mean, magnetic or film, either is just eeeew
[14:24] <Vason> and then theres the plastic outer shell...
[14:26] <AlexEatMovie> never heard of slapping sour cream and salsa on it, and dipping it like nachos?
[14:26] <AlexEatMovie> You dorks...I said it wrong
[14:26] * AlexEatMovie is now known as AlexEat
[14:27] * AlexEat is now known as AlexMovie`ea
[14:27] <AlexMovie`ea> ah hell
[14:27] * AlexMovie`ea is now known as AlexMovie`ea
[14:27] * AlexMovie`ea is now known as LCMAlex
[14:27] <LCMAlex> good bye

#1478 (-1) - Posted by CMDR Rekstar Rukilian
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[15:24] <LCMAlex> okay...what'sw with the asterick obsession?
[15:25] <Rekstar> asterick!
[15:26] * LCMAlex pounds the assterick!

#1477 (8) - Posted by FA Kaz Falcion
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<SconnAWAY> I'm officially frightened.
<SconnAWAY> For a few reasons. One, that Kaz has the ability to make people the pontiff. Two, that he's chosen to exercise this ability to make Sair pope. Three, that Sair has dubbed himself "Popesassin".

#1471 (15) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Licah> I'm working towards a phd :P
<Licah> Yeah.. if the internship's still around then.
<Shizmo> I think they want a masters and progress to php
<Shizmo> .....
<Shizmo> PHD
<Licah> rofl.

#1469 (4) - Posted by LCL Jagged Drayson
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RS Archangel: Put a blog :-P
Commander Aidyn: ..a what?
Commander Aidyn: Is that like a little slime monster or something?

#1468 (35) - Posted by BGN Joel Lance
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Kerensky> Woah.
<`Kaz> woah?
<Kerensky> Er....wait
<Kerensky> that was supposed to be w aheee.
<Kerensky> ...a whee.
<`Kaz> So you're officially retracting the Whoa?
<Kerensky> Sure
* `Kaz nods
<`Kaz> Duly noted, sir please continue
<Kerensky> Ahem..
<Kerensky> wheeeeeeeeee.

#1466 (51) - Posted by LCL Arloz Zaffro
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* `Face grabs a thermal detonator and throws it from behind the table
* Vason's eyes widen, and he chucks it back seconds before it detonates
<-- `Face has quit (Ping timeout)
<Vason> Oh god! I killed Face!

#1465 (25) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
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[20:13:36] * Zolir is now known as Moron`
[20:13:42] * Moron` is now known as Morone`

#1464 (2) - Posted by CPT Graxe
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[23:45] * Cay-Qel blinks
[23:45] <Cay-Qel> DON'T YOU DARE
[23:45] <Graxe> rofl
[23:45] * Cay-Qel is scared of plastic sheep!

#1463 (9) - Posted by CPT Graxe
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[21:59] * @BGN_Randy walks down the temple's steps and jogs across the clearing, glancing back at the 29-story Jedi temple that houses the order. He nods solemnly at something only he knows, then he continues onward.
[22:00] <@Graxe> "I know Raven I know."
[22:00] * @BGN_Raven follows behind Randy, shaking his head lightly. "Why do I hang around with you damned Jedi?"
[22:00] <@BGN_Randy> "Because you love me. I suppose I should tell you all what we're after tonight."
[22:00] <@BGN_Raven> "Do I want to know?"
[22:01] <@Graxe> "Randy's eleusive and long forgotten virignity?"
[22:01] * @BGN_Raven chuckles.
[22:01] * @Vason blinks
[22:01] * @BGN_Randy double blinks

#1461 (5) - Posted by LCL Arloz Zaffro
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Jan-lo> Licah, thanks for letting me vent on you.

#1460 (5) - Posted by BGN Joel Lance
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Jan-lo> Woo hoo! I'm a winner!
* Jan-lo hold an arm to her chest and drools while grinning

#1459 (4) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<@Sair-semi> If you think its gotten worse in here, you're wrong. My first day, I got a bag of urine thrown at me almost immediately.

#1458 (4) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<@Shizmo> such a geek... made a script that parses my school's website and sends me email/sms messages saying it may be closed/delayed
<@Sconn>, Shik, that's pimp as fuck.
<@Shizmo> you're shitting me right?

#1457 (3) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* `Kaz (_Kaz@ has joined #rs_bar_and_Grill
<@Sair-semi> Yes.
<@Sair-semi> Use cash so they can't trace you!
<DashClone> yeah
<`Kaz> Sair giving tips on prostitutes again?

#1455 (8) - Posted by MGN Mystic Warrior
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[20:00:11] * CayRand has quit IRC (Quit: Shikitis: Shik-i-tis, n. A computer induced viral infection on the human and non-human soul causing mass trauma to the logical reasoning and uncontrolable twitching at random intervals.)

#1454 (0) - Posted by LCL Jagged Drayson
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* RS_AntonNels is away: Help i am trapped in a conpsiracy theory
<@Mystic--> ok...

#1451 (6) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* `Trystan ( has joined #AuroraForce
* Indy` pounces Tryst and hugs
* `Trystan snurgles
<Indy`> Hi-hi
<Indy`> What's up?
<`Trystan> A preposition.

#1450 (4) - Posted by ADM Indiana Bridger
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* Sentopia pomes IM, too
* `IronMan squrims, gasping.
<`Trystan> ...woaah.
* `Trystan films.

#1446 (35) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<GA_Ronin> don't really think a straight person could have thought up the EH do you ? :)

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