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#625 (-2) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
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(`Kaz) Get mad at a fish for swimming <LGN-Shik> ok * LGN-Shik looks at the goldfish <LGN-Shik> YOU SWIM <LGN-Shik> DAMN YOU! <LGN-Shik> DONT SWIM f*ckER! <LGN-Shik> AND DONT HAVE GILLS! <LGN-Shik> GILLS EVIL! <LGN-Shik> DONT BLOW BUBBLES AT ME YOU LITTLE PANSY, THINKIN' YOU COOL WITH YOUR LITTLE CASTLE AND SCUBA DUDE WITH A TREASURE CHEST! (`Kaz) The sad thing...we can all see Shikkie doing this (`Kaz) Just screaming at a goldfish

#624 (2) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
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*** `Kumba (umba12345@207.233.154.*) Topic #emperor's_hammer " Welcome to #Emperor's_Hammer. Current Topic: How many times we can wank it in a day! " 04/14/2001

#620 (3) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
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<`Kaz> Im going to make a webpage declaring I own Windows <`Davery> You need the original .doc to prove it, Kaz <`Kaz> I bet I can find one <`Kaz> You know how ironclad .doc files are

#618 (2) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
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<`Davery> gah. Shik <`Davery> You're obsessed with secretive excretions. You're gonna become a CIA fecal scientist or something. "Take this sample down to the lab and have Dr. Shik examine it and get us some poo-prints"

#617 (2) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
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<LGN-Shik> it takes something to disturb me... you... you have acheived that <Zilch> Shik? Grossed out? Someone write the date down. <`Face> 4/19/01 (Raandu) mwahahaha <`Face> 1:16am EST (Raandu) We'll go down in RS history <Zilch> from this day forth, it's an RS holiday.

#615 (2) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
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* LGN-Shik points to the EH bylaws "Anything that is involved with the EH is property of the EH and of the EHFC and EHXO" :D (AbK) it doesn't say that Shik :-p (AbK) specifically, (AbK) but it implies it :-p

#609 (-1) - Posted by BGN Fion "Zero" Grell
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<JakeFOOD> heh... Pokemon's only use is to bring girls down... ;)

#607 (1) - Posted by LCM Mo Kongo
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(Fion) I just tipped over my ashtray.
(Fion) Great. :P

#606 (1) - Posted by CMDR Cole Landfarer
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<`HotShot> IM should be on the Florida coin.
<`IronMan> I could see it now.
<`IronMan> Florida coin
<`IronMan> Flip the back and it's me leanin' against a plam tree eatin' a piece of chicken

#603 (1) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<LGN-Shik> *** X ( Sets mode +o `Dave on #emperor's_hammer
<The-Amb> That's evil

#602 () - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<The-Amb> Los sleeps with the FA, she can do anything!

#599 () - Posted by CMDR Cole Landfarer
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<Kell_Horn> ::singing:: I can see clearly now, I put my glasses on....I can see all opticals in my way....

#594 (-1) - Posted by CMDR Tethran Cotec
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<DashClone> Well. I'm off to do some work, and then try to fix my stick

#592 (5) - Posted by CMDR Cole Landfarer
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<TR_Hawk> raise your hand if you actually want Jorv back
* TR_Hawk loads his gun

#591 (2) - Posted by GEN Deltan Saviri
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<SheepMan> Rahj, you're going to drive Shik over the edge one day :P
<LGN-Shik> lol
* LGN-Shik hops in a clown car and runs round the room then zooms out the door and off the cliff

#590 (-1) - Posted by CMDR Cole Landfarer
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*** `Lefty has quit IRC (ICE WEASELS!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!)

#588 (-2) - Posted by COL Jeremiah Matthew
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Wiltker> gtg
<GAdBert> bye
*** Wiltker has quit IRC (Shoot first, then ask questions.)
<GAdBert> who was that? oh, Arill, i see

#587 (-1) - Posted by BGN Amplan Dayne
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<Kerensky> Oh, dave, the reason why I'm filing is that I HAVE A JOB.
<`Davery> job schmob. the government doesn't know that

#585 (-1) - Posted by LCM Mo Kongo
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<MAJ_Mo> I forgot to mention, Celtic warriors fight in the nude
<MAJ_Mo> Johnny will like that
<`Johnny> LOL
<`Johnny> sweet, I think in my next report I will be flying in the nude
* StrayCat goes to DL some porn too
<MAJ_Mo> Don't tell me Jakey is gonna fly in the nude too
<`Face> ...
<`Face> It would get cold if he went EV
<MAJ_Mo> nah, the Alcohol will keep him warm
<`Johnny> thats why I wouldnt go EV
<`Johnny> yeah and thaty too

#584 (4) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<MajJester> We paint cadets funny colors, strip them naked and lock them in a room with Shik

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