<SwiftySEMI> wait, that's really Max Reem?
<`Dismal`> Yes it is, Swifty.
<MCal> where's the jam?
* `Anubis` has joined #RID
<SwiftySEMI> Where the hell has he been?
* `Dismal` sets mode: +o `Anubis`
<`Dismal`> Dining ladies and driving fast cars.
<`Max> fine ladies*
<`Dismal`> Lies.
<`Dismal`> I saw you with that fat chick.
<MCal> lol
<`Max> heh, fat chicks are like mopeds.
<`Max> They're fun to ride, but you never want anyone to know you did it.
[20:39] <`Kaz> Nature will retaliate with new and more complex forms of cancer :P
[20:39] <MCal> that's the sad thing
[20:39] <MCal> same with bacterial infections
[20:39] <MCal> and viral infections
[20:39] <DugongBot> and viral dugongfections
[20:39] <MCal> lol
swiftye: You know Terminator/Remus is annoying?
Naes Draw: er, no
swiftye: Kaz gave me the order to fix him
Naes Draw: oh, did he
Naes Draw: blaster, or something fancier?
swiftye: The order was so bad, Kaz apologized, wished me good luck, and gave me a list of people that
can help
Naes Draw: We could have Dagger jump 'em, and go from there
Naes Draw: Kicks is inventive...
swiftye: When Kirghy heard the order, he said
swiftye: "Swifty: Welcome to command"
Naes Draw: I think some of the Daggers have commando training, we could sneak in and get this guy.
Naes Draw: Or we could hire out some of CD
swiftye: Josh banned him from B&G, and Remus thought Josh banned him from the whole internet
Naes Draw doesn't appear to be paying much attention
swiftye whacks you
Naes Draw: With a fishie, I hope
swiftye: no, I graduated to cinderblocks
Naes Draw: oh
Naes Draw ducks
<Lenna> explains why i couldn't hear the music i put my headphones into the wrong hole
01<`Eric> .......
<Zedan> ...
<Zedan> Uh... They go on your ears.
01<`Eric> lmfao
<Zedan> I don't know... What... Else... You were expecting to hear them with...
11:14:32 PM <Markus_J> Markus can do what?
11:14:42 PM <Lurescz_V> stand on one leg and cover one eye
11:14:45 PM <Markus_J> I CAN!
11:14:51 PM <Lurescz_V> therefore showing us all what a true buttpirate looks like.
11:14:53 PM <Markus_J> ..lulz!
11:14:55 PM <Lurescz_V> OH!
11:14:57 PM <Lurescz_V> BURN!
11:14:57 PM <Teu> lol
11:15:00 PM * Lurescz_V sizzles. :P
11:15:03 PM * Cay-Qel gives Markus some ice
11:15:05 PM <Markus_J> By showing you a mirror, James?
11:15:18 PM <Lurescz_V> no, but doing the above action, blockhead. keep up, willya? :P
11:15:37 PM <Markus_J> Neg. That would require I take it in the pooper. Thus, I am no buttpirate, cockslurper.
11:16:03 PM <Teu> Now i want steak
[16:09] <Teu> Chopping onions with a big knife is a great anger reliever when one is angery
[16:11] <Lori_Star> stripping is also a good way to relief anger
[16:12] <Tethran> Lori: Care to send us pictures of you relieving stress then? :-p
[03:51:07] <SkrevSEMI> hey just wait til the million dollor boob or whatever comes out and your golden
[03:51:11] <SkrevSEMI> ...
[03:51:13] <SkrevSEMI> Book!
[03:51:16] <SkrevSEMI> Book I say!
[03:51:31] <Skifter> honestly..
[03:51:35] <Skifter> the "your" bothers me more
[03:51:41] <SkrevSEMI> rofl
[03:51:44] <Skifter> but yes, i do have million dollar boons, thank you
[03:51:52] <Skifter> boons? hahah
[03:51:56] <Skifter> that's what i get for lying
<`Josh> !lookup mom
<MrBot> 1. GEN Sair Mandella -- http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/profiles/185 -- anon@rebelsquadrons.org
<Kirghy> lol
* Sconn blinks
<Sconn> !lookup yourmom
<MrBot> 1. GEN Sair Mandella -- http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/profiles/185 -- anon@rebelsquadrons.org
<Sconn> heh
<Kirghy> !lookup sconn's mom
* MrBot has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[<`Kaz> way to go Kirghy
<`Kaz> Way to fucking go
<`Kaz> THIS is why we can't have nice things
<`Josh> ...
* Kirghy looks at Josh
<Kirghy> I think I broke it
<Swifty> I tried to argue with Kaz, which Sconn promptly recommended against :P
<VA_Raven> You should take the recommendation.
<Swifty> he said:
<Swifty> <Swifty> Is it possible to fight Kaz and win?
<Swifty> <Sconn> No.
<Swifty> <Sconn> Because, like a woman
<Swifty> <Sconn> Kaz defies logic in an argument
<VA_Raven> He is correct.
<Swifty> Checks book of "What to do in RS" "#1 Listen to the FC
<Swifty> "
<Swifty> :P
<VA_Raven> #1 would be 'Do not mess with Kaz'.
<VA_Raven> #2 would be 'Listen to the FC'
<Swifty> What happens if you mess with Kaz?
<Swifty> :P
<VA_Raven> You will Engage The Rage.
<Swifty> #3 'Do not let Sconn or Spokes anywhere near alcohol when they're on duty' :P
<Swifty> What does a hangover feel like?
<RS_Gizmo> well, it varies from person to person, but when it's bad, I generally feel tired as hell, I have an annoying headache which feels like the inside of my head is bigger than my skull, and my stomach doesn't generally feel right until after I've been to the toilet and released a poo of evil doom :P
<RS_Gizmo> the only way to feel better seems to be to lie in bed under a duvet and try to sleep :P
<RS_Gizmo> although greasey fry ups and DVDs which you don't have to think much about can also be good
<Swifty> Don't get drunk would work just as well