<MaD_XeNo> The world's longest name officially used by a person is "Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Shermasn Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorft Senior" which is composed of 28 words or 192 letters.
(Rooks) ........
<MAJ_Mo> ...............
<MAJ_Mo> lol
(`Eric) um.................
* Col_Coop rips `Wolfie open and yanks Kerensky out
* `Wolfie notes that his guts have just been ripped out
* Col_Coop clutches the guts in his hands "I've saved you, Kerensky!!!"
<`Wolfie> ::The guts make a sorta squishy noise::
<Col_Coop> what's that? you're hungry?
* Col_Coop takes Keren-guts to McDonald's
* Col_Coop buys him a cheeseburger
<`Wolfie> *Sqursh*
<Col_Coop> why aren't you eating, Kerensky???
<`Wolfie> ::the guts bleed on him some::
<Col_Coop> that's gross, Keren, chew your food!
<`Wolfie> ::The guts stop their squishing as the last residual energy is used up::
* Col_Coop looks puzzledly at Keren-guts
* Col_Coop pokes Keren-guts
* Col_Coop shrugs and walks away
* `Jaris` thinks general stupididty should be a bannable offense
<`Jaris`> *stupidity
<`Jaris`> wow, it's amazing how one typo can make all credibility fly out of a sentence