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#721 () - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Eliastra> sex is for makin babies.. I dont think you want a variety pack

#720 (2) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<Thuku> I actually spoke to a girl once

#711 (1) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
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(Raandu) And if I had to marry an animal it would be a squirrel
<`Face> ...
<`Jester> it can chew on ya nuts with those big teeth
(Raandu) In those words.......yes

#708 (2) - Posted by BGN Amplan Dayne
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Kaz> You have to do RS work now Dave, like.....I donno, go preside over the opening of a shopping mall

#704 (0) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<Rooks> boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored
<The-Amb> hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorny
<Los> also bored
<Los> and slightly horny
<TyrinDrax> also horny

#702 (1) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Dylor> I already own Sair.
<`Dylor> I bought him from Kaz.
<`Dylor> Kaz ripped me off. He was way overpriced. And then I found out he didn't even do anything.

#700 (1) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<`IronMan> C'mon Ambious.....
<`IronMan> I can't confuse you for Indy
<`IronMan> Indy's goatee is THICKER

#696 (3) - Posted by LCM Mo Kongo
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<MAJ_Mo> you know the big long line of SW fanatics, the ones that are more fanatic than us?
<COL-Mike> More fanatic?
<MAJ_Mo> the ones that have like the entire room is SW and a full SW collection and a movie prop
<RS_Gizmo> .......
<RS_Gizmo> aren't they all in EH?
<COL-Mike> Ummm.....
<COL-Mike> that's me....

#694 (1) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<`Dylor> I forgot my birthday.

#692 (-2) - Posted by RA Adam "Vender" Fene
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<`Kaz> I hijacked a plane, and when the anti-terrorists showed up I just flashed a pack of Mentos
<`Kaz> We all shared such a laugh

#691 (0) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<`Mikey> Damn you're good....i haven't even built it yet and you're igniting my lightsaber

#689 (2) - Posted by LCM Mo Kongo
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<Wessy> mike do you know a good porn site?
<RS_Nick> bah
<`Mikey> yes.
<Wessy> hey i have to get a good porn site for my cousin
<Emylyn> yeah, right

#688 (3) - Posted by BGN Amplan Dayne
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
*** `Davery ( has joined #rs_bar_and_grill
* Los runs to Dave
*** X sets mode: +o `Davery
<`Davery> Okay, who needs to die?

#685 (3) - Posted by BGN Amplan Dayne
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Kaz> Now back to our HC work
* `Kaz changes the oil in the fryer
* `Kaz puts on a lil red and yellow visor
<`M-Moriya> i'd like an order of fries
<`Kaz> Would you like fries with that?
<`M-Moriya> I just ORDERED fries
* `Kaz looks nervous
<`Kaz> Would you like fries with that?
<`M-Moriya> Just one order of fries, and a milkshake. nothing else, and i wouldn't like fries with that
<`Kaz> Would you like fries with that?
<`M-Moriya> Oh well....sure
<`M-Moriya> Oh and, super size that
<`Kaz> We're all out fries sir
<`M-Moriya> Okay, then make that a double quarter pounder with cheese
<`Kaz> We don't serve lunch for another hour
<`M-Moriya> Okay........ Sausage mcmuffin with egg.
<`Kaz> Sorry sir, we stopped serving breakfast 10 minutes ago...part of a new policy
<`M-Moriya> rmmmmm....What exactly ARE you serving now?
<`Kaz> Misinformation

#684 (-1) - Posted by RA Slate Mallar
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(Tracely) Im not allowed to have a life
(Tracely) Rahj said so
(`Kaz) Piss on him
(`Kaz) Take next week off without telling anyone :)
(`Kaz) I wanna see what happens
(Tracely) :P Im taking next week off anyway(Tracely) parents forcing me to rake their yard
(Tracely) f*ckers
[01:25] <GEN_Slate> heh
(`Kaz) ROFL
@ `Kaz falls over

#683 (-2) - Posted by LCL DashClone
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Topic is 'New RS Website: | RS Ahead by 180 at OR - Have you hugged a commando today?'
*** Set by LGN-Shik on Sun Apr 29 02:17:50
<DashClone> No-one has hugged me yet today :(* Cpt_Apoc hugs Dash "Now be quiet"
<DashClone> TY
<Cpt_Apoc> your welcome.
<LGN-Shik> read.. * Cpt_Apoc humps Dash "Now be quiet"

#676 (-2) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
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(`Wolfie) about keeping it in the family... (Rikel) speaking of which, anyone want a pic of me and my g/f?

#674 (2) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
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<Shil> Bugger Gender neutral, I want it loud, offensive and Sexually incorrect!

#673 (0) - Posted by RA Adam "Vender" Fene
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* Eveness blows a bubble and it floats around the room
* Eveness chases it
<Eveness> Bubby! Bubby bubby bubby!!
* Eveness leaps up and tries to catch it
* `IronMan tackles Eve in midair.
* `Kaz blows a whistle
<`Kaz> 2nd down
<Eveness> GGAAAAHHH!
<`Kaz> ....
<CMRVender> NO!
<`Kaz> getting tackled isnt a touchdown
<CMRVender> she was in!!
<CMRVender> The ball was in!!
<Eveness> Look! Look! Over the line! Right there!
* `Kaz hits Vender with a folding chair
<CMRVender> oof
* Eveness does her touchdown dance
<`Kaz> XFL...heh

#671 (1) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<The-Amb> I got back from the party last night with only my pants shoes and jacket. No underpants, no socks, no shirt...
<The-Amb> I don't know how that happened, but it must mean I had fun...

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