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#1216 (0) - Posted by CMDR Dex Bogart
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Entropy> I'm the f*cking easter bunny

#1215 (-1) - Posted by CMDR Dex Bogart
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* <RS_Talon> slaps sconn with a whale

#1214 (3) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<RS-Gizmo> Dave - lemme give you a brief summary of UK's ww2 efforts - Dunkirk, expiditionary force sent out to meat the Germans. <Daverduki> guys sent a force to meat the Germans? :P <`Entropy> HUGE amounts of handjobs

#1213 (4) - Posted by FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Glytch_> Hell with this. I'm gonna go buy a box of rabbit food and pour it over the side of a bridge. Later.

#1212 () - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Codyman> isn't that that french elephant? <Codyman> they ones that where clothes and have like a well functioning society? <Codyman> the

#1208 (3) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Xander`> wb, Gizzy...again
<RS_Gizmo> heh
<RS_Gizmo> ty
<`Xander`> get another post up! :-P
<RS_Gizmo> k m8
*** RS_Gizmo is now known as Elf|CS
* `Xander` facepalms
<`Xander`> I tell him to do something...he goes and plays CS again....

#1207 (1) - Posted by COL Tech Krill
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* TechKrill starts bopping all ppl in the DOW 'cept Chrys. "FLY the DOW TOD!"
<TechKrill> it's due on the 7th
<Chrys> Ill bop my own ppl :P
* `Entropy removes Tech with a spatula and deposits him in the trash.
<TechBRB> i am NOT a COOKIE!
* TechBRB climbs out of the trash
* `Entropy pushes Tech back down into the trash and locks the lid.
* TechBRB bangs on the lid. "FLY THE ITOD!"
* `Entropy soundproofs the garbage can.
* TechKrill pulls out the walkie talkie to the hidden speaker in the lounge. "Nice try...FLY THE ITOD!"
* `Entropy turns on the ECM
<TechKrill> ...
* TechKrill pouts that he forgot his lightsaber
* TechKrill starts using the Force to put the thought of flying the ITOD into people's minds...

#1206 (3) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[08:00] *** Andy_Skyw ( has joined #ibg
[08:00] <Andy_Skyw> hi all!
[08:01] <`Jester> ugggg, leave you disgustingly cheerful person. It's too early for that sort of happiness
[08:04] *** Andy_Skyw ( Quit (Quit)

#1198 (1) - Posted by VA Gavin Cantorph Kravis
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Eliastra> yeah but with a beer, you get all your daily calories in one can
<Eliastra> its like liquid pork chop

#1197 (2) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Raandu> hmmm
<`Raandu> before I go I should do something "raanduish"
* `Raandu ponders
<`JK_Rich> heh
* `Raandu violates Shik

#1196 (2) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Sair-semi> Touch me and you'll lose it :P
<Deltan> I'm married. It's as good as lost. :P

#1195 (2) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<MrTracey> The dead man apparently replied to an advertisement posted on the Internet, prosecutors said. One newspaper said it read: "Seeking young, well-built 18- to 30-year-old for slaughter."
* Deltan is now known as DeltBRB
<MrTracey> Who the hell answers an ad like that
<Kerensky> Kazzzzzz

#1194 (2) - Posted by COL Cephisus Balder
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Horn_Semi> where do you live himm?
<Himm> no, then I would have asked about "I'll be back"
<Himm> Norway
<Horn_Semi> what's the main language there?
<Himm> norwegian
<Himm> weird language
<Horn_Semi> I wondered if there was a norwegian language
<Cephisus> Tengo un mal presentimiento=I have a bad feeling about this
<Himm> there is
<Himm> ah!
<Horn_Semi> I only ask because I'm having problems reading through your conversation with ceph :P
<Himm> lol
<Cephisus> lol
<Himm> you want me to speak norwegian, not english?
<Horn_Semi> I dunno...mebbe I'll be able to understand you better :P

#1191 (2) - Posted by FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
*** `Rode has joined #rs_bar_and_grill <ChrysSWFC> "Hey baby, Im Captain Mak" *** `Rode has quit IRC (*.net *.split)

#1189 (1) - Posted by COL Los Bennett
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Randalf> Los as... Losolas / Giz as... Aragiz Elassar / Randy as... Randalf / Borsk as... Borskomir / Raven as... Ravvin Took / Jensen as... Jensenwise Gamgee / Cay as... Caymli / Davin as... Chet Baggins / Poc as... Poccie Brandy[Censored Word] <Randalf> That's the Fellow[Censored Word] of the Ring :P

#1188 (2) - Posted by CMDR John Leelsabs
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Galon> i give up
<Spades> thats the spirit

#1187 (2) - Posted by CPT Chrys Cortan
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* Spades has quit IRC (Quit: *ring ring* "hello?" "hi, how are you" "oh i'm just fine" *click*)
<Sconn> Ah, the story of Licah's sex life.

#1186 (3) - Posted by CPT Chrys Cortan
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<TehEntro> Party in #entropy's_pants!
<TehEntro> Nooooooooo! Get out of my pants!
* MehJohn has joined #entropy's_pants!
* MehJohn is now known as TehJohn
* TehSconn was kicked by TehEntro (K doke)

#1185 (2) - Posted by CPT Chrys Cortan
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<TehEntro> HA! I'm the only one allowed in #entropy's_pants :P <TehLicah> #entropy's_pants unable to join channel (channel is full) <TehEntro> My pants are VERY full.

#1183 (0) - Posted by CPT Chrys Cortan
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<RS_Gizmo> me too
* LCL_Randy sets mode: +b *!*user@*
* RS_Gizmo was kicked by LCL_Randy (FLOODING - 8 lines in 3 sec(s). 30 second ban.)
<`Kyle> nah, general is boring
<Owain> I've been CMDR for so long it's funny. :P
* LCL_Randy sets mode: -b *!*user@*
<LCL_Randy> ...
<LCL_Randy> what the [Censored Word] was that

five seconds later...

- 8 lines in 3 sec(s). 30 second ban.)
* LCL_Randy sets mode: -b *!*user@*
<Akar> ROFL
<LCL_Randy> ...WHAT THE [Censored Word]!?

five seconds later...

<RS_Gizmo> !op
* LCL_Randy sets mode: +b *!*user@*
* RS_Gizmo was kicked by LCL_Randy (FLOODING - 8 lines in 3 sec(s). 30 second ban.)
<LCL_Randy> Hmmm
* LCL_Randy sets mode: -b *!*user@*

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State of the Rebel Squadrons, April 1, 2021
FA Lucas Benoit-Stark

State of the Rebel Squadrons - February 2021
FA Michael Raven

New Year Update
FA Michael Raven

Early November Update - Staff Positions and Squadrons
FA Michael Raven

Greetings From The FC
FA Michael Raven