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#164 (3) - Posted by CDT Bluck
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<JMallan> Sorry Hawk... I was away for a sex.
<`Kaz> LOL!
<TR_Hawk> That's got to be a typo...

#163 () - Posted by MAJ Taosko Silev
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Ms. Terrik (X-wing: Rogue Squadron) has been proved true - all pilots ever thing about is sex

#161 (-2) - Posted by COL Anax Kaanen
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*** Stryke is now known as RS_Dusty | <RS_Dusty> this is now boring so there | *** RS_Dusty has left #emperor's_hammer

#153 (3) - Posted by FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
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<BGN-Shik> thats when you know you need to take a porn break
<Indy> Shik, did you get my e-mail?

#152 (4) - Posted by LCL Ryan Deean
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<Glytch_> I don't wanna die. I plan to be shot dead at the age of 200 in a 20-year-old woman's bed by my jealous wife.

#150 (1) - Posted by CDT Bluck
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<Raandu> W's a male <TR_Hawk> it's an it <Landiaar> W better be a she or I'm bi on a whole new level

#145 (0) - Posted by CMDR Dash "Dashimus" Xander
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<Wolverin> yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!
<FionMAIL> I got it
<Wolverin> finally

#143 (1) - Posted by CMDR Shil
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<Damian_VM> No, I'm not biased. I hate y'all equally :P

#141 (6) - Posted by ADM Indiana Bridger
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* Indy pours Wyv a corellian whisky and waves to Crash from behind the bar
* LCLWyvern takes a sip. Hey, Indy?
<Indy> Hmmm?
*** LCLWyvern has quit IRC (Read error to LCLWyvern[]: Connection reset by peer)
<`don_Sair> Gah, what was in that drink?

#140 (2) - Posted by LCL Ryan Deean
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<Raandu> How come whenever Shik gets excited there's always a website to go with it?

#137 (7) - Posted by ADM Indiana Bridger
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<Stackpole> Okay, I'll type this slowly so even Imperials can understand.... :)

#136 (0) - Posted by ADM Indiana Bridger
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<`don_Sair> No....I'd just make me wet.

#135 (-2) - Posted by COL Trosa Aldair
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<Olen> why'd you wanna log in so bad? <Olen> is it that urgent? <Indy`> ops <Olen> wow <Olen> ops? <Olen> really?
<Olen> you must be very important
<RS-Trosa> Ummmm.......yeah, she is.....
* Indy` cackles and waits for someone to enlighten the poor boy. <Olen> yeah <Olen> it must be great <Olen> wow
* Olen looks at Indy with awe * RS-Trosa leans in to whisper in Olen's ear. "SHE'S THE AF CO!"
* Olen gasps <Olen> oh

#133 (-1) - Posted by BGN Amplan Dayne
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<BGN-Shik> heh, i should be PA; Pimp Admiral

#130 (1) - Posted by LCM Taraea Falcion
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<RS_Wedge> What!? What about my shorts? <`LCMOrian> I'm in 'em.

#124 (5) - Posted by VA Trace
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<BGN-Shik> MEOW! <BGN-Shik> MEOWWWWWWWW!! <BGN-Shik> ::HISS HISS CLAW CLAW:: <`Peer> Shik's being a pussy

#123 (-1) - Posted by LCL Ryan Deean
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* RyanDeean sneezes coughs burps and farts all at
<Dashy> Mmmm, interesting
<KinKitsun> is that possible?
* Dashy watch's as Ryan explodes

#122 (-1) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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* SairAFK pokes Sarah with a banana <LCM-Amby> Kinky!!!

#121 (3) - Posted by LCL Ryan Deean
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* RS_Randy eyes Ryan, "Join us NutzĀ®"
<RyanDeean> Its okay, I have my own nuts and I like to work independently

#120 (1) - Posted by COL Sigurd Pillar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Dy-semi> You meant nothing to me, Ares. <`Icey> DYLOR! Thats not what you said last night! <`Icey> You said I was you daddy...

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