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#1593 (7) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:41] <Kirghy> I swear that Indy's kin to Hillary Clinton in some way.[22:42] <Sconn> It is my opinion that Hillary's infinitely hotter than Indy.
[22:42] <Sconn> Now, I use that in a relative sense.
[22:42] <Sconn> Not because I think that Hillary's hot.
[22:42] <Sconn> But compared to Indy, she's goddamn Kiera Knightley.
[22:42] <Kirghy> I do concur on all counts
[22:42] <HeavyD> lol
[22:42] <Sconn> </end rant>

#1592 (30) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[23:17] <Sconn> But on a purely statistical level, if you think about it, every lesbian's a woman that isn't gonna sleep with me.

#1590 (12) - Posted by 2LT Ganner Rysode
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* `Kaz changes topic to 'Today in the B&G, Giz speaks about difficulties at his night job | <RS_Gizmo> hard to swallow, but at least it doesn't hurt so much'

#1588 (10) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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<Abi> Well, we've got Sconn. He's all about reckless self abuse.

#1586 (6) - Posted by BGN Naesa Draw
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
RS #vsg IRC chat
<`Anton> sake run!!!!!
<RS_Naes> they peg the whole RS in the credits
* `Anton is now known as `Anton|AFK
<RS_Naes> Sake... Makes people AFK.
* RS_Naes writes that down.

#1583 (16) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Kaz> oh wait I have to go rent rainbow brite from netflix

#1581 (26) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
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***Kaz demonstrates his scary-freaky powers of summoning the unwanted***

<`Kaz> A gay cowboy

#1580 (18) - Posted by GEN Phil DarkFire
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<RS_Phil> bodies are easier to deal with than live people
<Shikkie> less likely to say no too
<Shikkie> er... I didn't say that
<RS_Phil> ok i don't want to know
<`Kaz> ....

#1579 (18) - Posted by FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Koryn> If my trial mirc is over and it says register and I don't but it lets me on anyway like its doing now.
<kailen> lol
<`Kaz> omg
<`Kaz> They can track that man
<`Kaz> Quit! Quit before they find out
* Koryn has left #RS_BAR_AND_GRILL

#1576 (8) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<<`Vaughan>> Need privacy? Just fly out the hangar
<<`Calista>> bamn, 7 more minutes..

#1573 (64) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
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* Glytch has joined #RS_BAR_AND_GRILL
<Glytch> I've discovered something today.
<Glytch> There are some weird links out there.
<Glytch> That is all.
<`Jester> So today was your first time on the internet then? :P
<Glytch> Yes! It was just so shocking.
<Glytch> I'm going to write a letter to the editor of the internet expressing my feelings.
<`Jester> while your at it, add a complaint about how hard it is to find porn

#1571 (26) - Posted by FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<CodyPup> great, randy's back to adding completely obscure randomness to the wiki
<`Davery> lol I noticed that too
<`Davery> He has no RS positions and he's not even in the club yet he randomly returns to make wiki entries
<`Davery> on like... space trade routes
<CodyPup> oh, THAT Nitram Lutha Hyperboulevard;
<`Josh> hey it keeps him busy and out of our hair, let him be
<CodyPup> The Nitram Lutha Hyperboulevard is named after the infamous Defel anarchist and peace activist, Nitram Lutha
<CodyPup> lol
<CodyPup> you can't really be an anarchist and a peace activist
<Shikkie> anarchy would permit peace or violence due to lack of order
<CodyPup> it would permit anything
<CodyPup> there'd be dogs with birthday hat cones on their heads covered in peanut butter running around killing cats riding atop walruses
<CodyPup> that aint peace
<`Josh> That would be cool to see though

#1567 (15) - Posted by LGN Jon Anchorage
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* RS_JonAnchor is confused on whats going on by Nov 20th ;)
<Rekio> Jon are you staying with Phal or Rag?
<RS_JonAnchor> cant have both eh?
<Rekio> uhh, no.
<RS_JonAnchor> bummer
<RS_JonAnchor> then it will be Phal
<Rekio> k
<RS_JonAnchor> but I want Rag as well ;)
<Rekio> I want a million dollars.
<Rekio> Want to trade?
<RS_JonAnchor> sure you give me a million dollars I will give you Rag ;P
<Rekio> heh
<RS_JonAnchor> ROFL!!!
<Rekio> None of the IBG squadrons are very strong. So there's a possibility that Phal will fold.
<Rekio> So then you might get Rag :P
<RS_JonAnchor> But I want Phal also ;)
<RS_JonAnchor> cant I have both?
<RS_JonAnchor> so how is this going to work are we going for XWA and XvT platform tied together?
<Rekio> yes, no.
<Rekio> the same a smiliar story. but Vaughan's got it all put together.
<RS_JonAnchor> huh? so then I can have both Rag and Phal on my profile?
<Rekio> no
<RS_JonAnchor> m'kay
<Rekio> its one unit
<Rekio> one big happy family
<Rekio> or something
<RS_JonAnchor> yeah but.....why cant we still have the same squads?
<Rekio> we do
<RS_JonAnchor> then I can have both Rag and Phal in my profile then
<Rekio> no
<RS_JonAnchor> grr....
<Rekio> Phal and Rag are competeing against each other.
<Rekio> Thus you can't be in both.
<RS_JonAnchor> I can compete with myself I do it all the time
<Rekio> ...
<Rekio> I will hurt.
<RS_JonAnchor> want me to argue with myself?
<Rekio> no, go run ORW3 :P
<RS_JonAnchor> dont make me do it
* Rekio shoos
<RS_JonAnchor> ROFL!!!!
<RS_JonAnchor> "click click" quoted!! ;P
<RS_JonAnchor> I Love my Job!!!

#1566 (53) - Posted by LGN Jon Anchorage
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[11:25] <RS_JonAnchor> dang cant believe that I am not allowed to own a silencer in this state =(
[11:25] <Shikkie> who do you need to shoot that it has to be quiet?
[11:26] <RS_JonAnchor> a rat :)
[11:26] <Shikkie> bb gun
[11:27] <RS_JonAnchor> nah it will bounce off need to penetrate ;P
[11:28] <Shikkie> ten pumps should penetrate
[11:28] <Shikkie> er.
[11:28] <Shikkie> don't quote that
[11:28] <RS_JonAnchor> ROFL@!!!!

#1565 (18) - Posted by MGN Rekio Corsair
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<`Josh> For the record: I didn't vote for Dave :P
<Vaughan99> The Minister of Boobies voted Raven
<Vaughan99> I . . . have no vote, so didn't vote at all :P
<Rekio> I voted for the Hoff.
<KazAFK> I abstained like a mormon
<GEN_Raven> Eric voted in your steed :P
<Vaughan99> That bastard stole Kaz's horse!
<KazAFK> lol
<KazAFK> ...Vaughan...
<KazAFK> You fucking win

#1564 (41) - Posted by MGN Rekio Corsair
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<GEN_Raven> Oh yeah
<GEN_Raven> apparantly ANOTHER professor thinks im crazy
<GEN_Raven> I went to one of the LA professors that deals with population studies and asked him for some growth models
<GEN_Raven> he asked me for what...
<GEN_Raven> I explained...
<GEN_Raven> ... he kicked me out of his office
* Vaughan99 laughs
<Vaughan99> He . . . kicked you out of his office?
<Vaughan99> Haha
* Vaughan99 shakes his head
<Vaughan99> Did you kick his ass? :P
<GEN_Raven> no I stood outside his office, waited 5 minutes
<GEN_Raven> and knocked again
<GEN_Raven> he opened the door, looked at me... and shut it in my face and locked it
<GEN_Raven> So... I figure I win
<GEN_Raven> which makes me 1-0 for the day
* Vaughan99 laughs!
<Vaughan99> You made a professor lock himself in his office?
<Vaughan99> Hahahaha
<Vaughan99> That's awesome
<Vaughan99> You should get a medal or something for that
<Vaughan99> Rekio, you're Medals Officer
<Vaughan99> Find something appropriate
<Vaughan99> Although it may be a whole new level of awesome beyond anything we currently have
<GEN_Raven> man, I was just trying to be a good ALO!
<GEN_Raven> I'm going to find another professor after my physics class
<Vaughan99> You could repackage it into a context more easily consumed by 'the norms'
<Vaughan99> Such as -- fiction writer :P
<GEN_Raven> fuck that
<Vaughan99> Yes, but you get what you want :P
<GEN_Raven> "I need to make up planetary information for an online group dealing with the logistics of a multi-sector spacial organization in the Star Wars universe. Population charts plz?"

#1563 (18) - Posted by ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk
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Cody's subtleties with newcomers.....

[17:55] * RS_Guest has joined #RS_BAR_AND_GRILL
[17:55] <Codyman> i mean, boobs, zombies, and sharks
[17:55] <Codyman> all in one scene
[17:55] <Codyman> can anyone really beat that?
[17:56] * RS_Guest has quit IRC (Quit)

#1562 (17) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Davery> Marry a lawyer or something
<`Kaz> Marry a pirate
<`Kaz> Then you can sail the seven seas and whatnot
<`Davery> wtf mates
<`Davery> i'm marrying Rich
<`Davery> askfdjasldfjlsdkf
<`Davery> SLKfdjaldkjf
<`Davery> asdkfjklvsjd;ld
<`Davery> cs.smd,f.
<`Davery> *rich
<Licah> ....
<`Davery> as in wealthy
<Licah> um
<`Davery> WEALTHY
<`Davery> fucking damnit
<Licah> rofl why did you capitalize that

#1561 (4) - Posted by ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
September 28th, 2006

[22:33] * Rekio has joined #RgF
[22:33] * X sets mode: +o Rekio
[22:58] * Phil_Dark slaps Rekio around a bit with a large trout
[22:59] * Rekio smashes Phil's testicles with the ISD Wyvern.

#1558 (25) - Posted by GEN Markus Jarnhann
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Codyman> just remember the first rule of the RS: don't sleep with any woman in the RS
<Shinagami101> when im older and in it for 10 Years possibly
<`Kaz> yeah
<`Kaz> It fucks you up
<Shinagami101> i wouldnt anyway :P
<`Kaz> yeah man I wasnt going to either
<Codyman> you say that now, but sometimes they just drive up to your door and try to fuck you
<Codyman> spyder tore like a swath of destruction across the continental US
* Shinagami101 gets out a notepad and starts taking notes
<Shinagami101> do go on
<Codyman> some of their vaginas have been known to swallow entire souls

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State of the Rebel Squadrons, April 1, 2021
FA Lucas Benoit-Stark

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FA Michael Raven

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FA Michael Raven

Early November Update - Staff Positions and Squadrons
FA Michael Raven

Greetings From The FC
FA Michael Raven