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#1630 (2) - Posted by CPT Adhemar Voltin
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<@Codyman> i suppose there's a ghetto in kansas somewhere
<@Codyman> maybe even a black dude or two

#1628 (-7) - Posted by BGN Naesa Draw
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
Dagger has morals?
[14:44] <NaesDraw> if he says ok, you could be the moral officer
[14:44] <NaesDraw> wait, what morals.....
[14:44] <Swifty> the what
[14:44] <NaesDraw> :P
[14:44] <Swifty> :P
[14:45] <NaesDraw> the make people feel better officer

#1627 (7) - Posted by BGN Eric Reagan
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Another quoteworthy quote from the Gizman.

<WesBelden> yeh, I guess if it came down to it, I'd rather have a complete stranger's penis touch my head than their excriment

#1626 (9) - Posted by BGN Naesa Draw
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Fun with the new guy in The_Sheath

[21:15] <NaesDraw> Force poke does -10 HP
[21:15] * NaesDraw revives Himm
[21:15] <Swifty> -10?
[21:15] <NaesDraw> tyes
[21:16] <Swifty> how do you do -10 on someone with 0
[21:16] <NaesDraw> teh Force
[21:16] <NaesDraw> :D
[21:16] <Swifty> so he now has 10?
[21:16] <Swifty> or -10?
[21:17] <NaesDraw> um, `10
[21:17] <Swifty> 10?
[21:17] <Swifty> Do -60
[21:17] <NaesDraw> um,
[21:17] <Swifty> we need him well enough to make the mission
[21:17] * NaesDraw Uses Force Poke
[21:18] <NaesDraw> it's not very effective
[21:18] <NaesDraw> durr.... swifty halp?
[21:18] * Swifty uses an upgraded force poke that does -50
[21:19] * NaesDraw has a bad idea and looks at swifty...
[21:19] <Swifty> what?
[21:19] * NaesDraw slaps Swifty around a bit with a large trout
[21:19] <NaesDraw> kekekekekekekekkekekekekekekkekke
[21:19] <Swifty> WHY?
[21:19] <NaesDraw> um.
[21:20] <NaesDraw> cuz

#1622 (7) - Posted by BGN Naesa Draw
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[19:54] <Himm> maybe I ought to christmas decorate my fighter
[19:54] <NaesDraw> hm....
[19:54] <NaesDraw> just keep the tinsel out of the intakes
[19:54] <Himm> lol
[19:55] <NaesDraw> Mebe I'll spruce up Reset abit
[19:55] <Himm> hehe
[19:55] <Himm> add a sants beard
[19:55] <Himm> *santa
[19:56] <NaesDraw> That is just th right amonut of funny to work.
[19:56] <NaesDraw> at least a hat
[19:57] <NaesDraw> i'll look into that..... oh.
[19:57] <Himm> and recalibrate his speaker to go ho-ho-ho in stead of all those beeps
[19:57] <NaesDraw> we need a RS: Xmas thing.
[19:57] <Himm> hehe
[19:58] <NaesDraw> Who's going out in a Vac suit and stringing the lights on the Shield Generators?
[19:58] <Himm> rofl
[19:59] <Himm> I've never seen an christmas opt for XWA
[19:59] <Himm> that'd been fun
[19:59] <NaesDraw> this all is quite possablely quote worthy.

#1621 (-2) - Posted by BGN Naesa Draw
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[17:37] * NaesDraw strolls over to a window and looks out.
[17:38] <NaesDraw> Crap! My wallet!
[17:38] * NaesDraw runs for the vac suits locker and heads for a airlock.
[17:38] * NaesDraw is now known as Naes-EV

#1615 (12) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[00:16] <VA_Raven> P228 hits for 20ish chest, right?
[00:16] <LCable> I think more like 30s
[00:16] <`Kaz> why would you hit them in the chest
[00:16] <`Kaz> SHOOT EM IN THE HEAD!
[00:16] <Sair> CENTER OF MASS
[00:17] <Sair> unless you're shooting at me, then its the wang
[00:17] <LCable> Dude, with CSS's weird-ass hitboxes, the head is almost as big as the chest
[00:17] <VA_Raven> ...because you normally aim at the upper torso/neck, fire, and allow your rectile to trace up to their face :P
[00:17] <Sair> ...
[00:17] <Sair> rectile
[00:17] <`Kaz> recticle
[00:17] <LCable> tee-hee
[00:17] <`Kaz> recticicle
[00:17] <LCable> recticicicicicle
[00:17] <Licah> ......
[00:17] <`Kaz> lol

#1614 (1) - Posted by COL Teu Veld
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* `Christine` follows Eric to the body. Eric seemed to be her protection in this dangerous mission.
<Teu><<pukes in trash bin>>

#1613 (19) - Posted by ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk
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Although this line was directed towards a specific individual, it really applies to each and every one of us in the RS...

(Note: Belinda talking through Vaughan's IRC connection)
<`Vaughan> "The day that I say 'Dave, I want sex' and you go 'No, I can't, I'm busy with Star Wars', then it's a problem"

#1612 (12) - Posted by COL Teu Veld
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* Kane_R jumps...into the hatch with a big HUMP! <q> ''UGh...kriff...''
<Teu> <<are you humping the lift floor?>>
<RA_Raven> <<A BIG HUMP!>>

#1611 (10) - Posted by BGN Eric Reagan
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Another Kane quote. In this quote, we see yet another instance of how Kane wants to "bugger" Markus.

<Kane_R> Markus, that's my laptop, give it to me, and don't give me the look, I know you probably hate kids, and I'll bugger you for my laptop if you don't give it back.'
<Markus_J> ...Bugger me?
<Markus_J> Dude.
<Sconn> Eww.
<Eric_27> watch out
<Eric_27> he has the herpes

#1610 (-1) - Posted by BGN Eric Reagan
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<Kane_R> Josh
<Kane_R> wtf?
<`Josh> Lost your penis?
<`Josh> I can't help you.
<Kane_R> There's a hole now!

#1609 (-2) - Posted by BGN Eric Reagan
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Kane_R looks at tha Markus. *I whished I would have the money to have that.*

#1607 (10) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
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<LCable> Moo
<LCable> Agh, it's Kaz, and the vagina has let him escape!
* `Kaz has quit (Ping timeout)
<LCable>>...I was wrong

#1605 (15) - Posted by GEN Damon Lightwind
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Session Start: Tue Aug 07 22:39:34 2007
[22:39] <RSDLightwind> Knock knock
[22:39] <RA_Raven> Who's there?
[22:40] <RSDLightwind> Dadoor
[22:40] * RA_Raven blows up Dadoor.
[22:40] <RA_Raven> Not anymore!
[22:40] <RSDLightwind> LOL
[22:41] <RSDLightwind> Now thats an open door policy
[22:42] <RA_Raven> That it is.

#1602 (13) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
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<<JesterWORK>> you really need to get rid of a couple of photos there Face, like the "wannabe carpenter" photo and the "i look like I came off my skateboard face first" photo
<<JesterWORK>> Kid with lightsaber though - pure gold
<<`Face>> And her name is Jaina
<<`Face>> heh
<<JesterWORK>> heh
<<`Face>> I lied to my wife when she asked if it was a starwars name

#1600 (14) - Posted by VA Patrick Blastfire
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<`Aisha> do re me fa so la
<`Aisha> te do n.n
<BlastAFK> It's ti
<`Aisha> I'm glad
<`Josh> No thanks I'm not thursty
<`Josh> thursty
<`Josh> thersty
<`Josh> hmm
<`Josh> what an odd word
<`Josh> thirsty
<`Josh> aha!
<`Josh> I R DUM!
<BlastAFK> ...
<BlastAFK> Wow, Josh
<`Josh> shut up blast
<`Josh> just
<`Josh> no
<`Josh> -.-

#1597 (11) - Posted by FA Michael Raven
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<Julliah> but thankfully, I don't work in 4 hours this time :p and I did hae a nap, brb, drank too much teat

#1595 (10) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[00:19] <Sair>
[00:19] <Sair> I enjoy this thread.
[00:21] <`Kaz> yes
[00:21] <`Kaz> a great big "you must be registered to view this page" banner
[00:21] <`Kaz> that's a laugh riot man
[00:21] <Sair> sorry
[00:21] <Sair> :(
[00:21] <Sair> I can never tell what will and won't work anymore.
[00:23] <`Kaz> They make a blue pill for that

#1594 (10) - Posted by RA Harley Quinn
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<Sconn> Oh god, I just ripped major ass.
<Sconn> Major.
<`Jester> ......
<`Jester> I hope you got Sair a bandaid to put on the tear

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