*** Shil (Shil@*.inv.ihug.co.nz) Quit <12/02/2001 11:19:24.am> (One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to ANSWER THE BLOODY PHONE!)
<RS_Randy> heh, I seriously don't know, Briggs
<RS_Randy> Brigga what?
<RS_Randy> Brigga who?
<RS_Randy> Brigga me?
<RS_Randy> No, Brigga u :P
<LT_Briggs> lol
<LT_Briggs> in my mental state right now randy thats not all that funny
<RS_Randy> heh
<RS_Randy> Sorry Briggs
<LT_Briggs> no problem
*** `EvilKiwi (theman@*.ipt.aol.com) Join #rs_bar_and_grill 11:08:53.am 11/10/2001
<Gabrich> oh no
<Gabrich> an evil kiwi
<Gabrich> Taan, run!
<TR_Hawk> ah!
* TR_Hawk runs for the red centre
<Gabrich> run before he discovers you're an aussie!
* `EvilKiwi laughs evily
<TR_Hawk> gee, thanks for that Gab. :P
<Capn_Mak> im the co of makfleet
<LT_Briggs> delusions... some peeople have them, others reveil in them
<B_Jynzer> and I'm Kris Kringle
<Capn_Mak> cool
* `RedBabe listens to Savage Garden - Truly, Madly, Deeply <Jewly> Ugg...that's my ex girlfriends and my song. <`Mike> err <RS_Randy> uhhh <LCM_Apoc> ummm
(Kerensky) its been...just over a year since I've had my first kiss :P
(Kerensky) and in between now and then, I've had....maybe.....
@ Kerensky counts his fingers
@ Kaz counts
(Kaz) um
(Kerensky) six?
(Kerensky) Oh, and you know what the best part was?
<RandyIcN> lol
(Kerensky) The girl they came from turns out to have been PAID by a friend
(Kerensky) I was kissed by a dammed paid whore :P
<RandyIcN> lol
<Shizmo> his first kiss was with a hooker
<Shizmo> rofl!
<Deltan> But did you enjoy it?
*** LCM_Mo has joined #Allegience
* LCM_Apoc looks at mo
*** LCM_Mo has left #Allegience
<LCM_Apoc> I'm one scary mofo
<KevPryde> damn straight