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#1182 (1) - Posted by CPT Chrys Cortan
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<Cephisus> I understood me :P

#1181 (1) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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<Kirghy> I was kinda cruel on the SWFC board. Some SV guy said they were going to kill the RS.
<Kirghy> My response: ::looks at the ORWII results::
<Kirghy> Well, you gotta beat us in something.
<Kirghy> ;)
<Lizzicah> Now they're going to call us cheaters again Kirghy
<Lizzicah> Look what you've gone and done
<Kirghy> heh
<Kirghy> Hey, at least I winked at the end of it.
<Lizzicah> That means they'll call you a child molestor too then
* Kirghy shrugs
<Lizzicah> oh, that happens often?
<Lizzicah> :P
<Kirghy> Not at all.
<Kirghy> I just don't care.
<Kirghy> I leave child molestation to Michael Jackson.

#1180 (2) - Posted by CMDR Dex Bogart
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*Kenni has join #RgF
*Cay-Qel has left #RgF
Kenni has left #RgF
<RS_Talon> we should take that revolving door off the entrance to #RgF

#1179 () - Posted by RA Himm El-Syna
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<Akar> And now, laddies and gents, we'd like to introduce our next in men's cologne! The sweat and stuff that Columbus once..uh, sweated, is now mixed in a ottle! I present..Christopher Cologne!!! :P
<Himm> lol
<Cay-Qel> lol
<Cephy> nother lol
<Cephy> *another
<`Entropy> Very nice job Chrys. You made Ceph and Himm's English look good :P
<Cay-Qel> lol
<Himm> ROFL
<Cephy> LAMO
<`Entropy> Lamo?

#1175 (5) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
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* Executer sauders Dave's mouth shut
<PlutoHMWK> sauder?
<PlutoHMWK> please tell me that's not a gross misspelling of solders
<Executer> no, as in what you use on wires and circuits numbnuts

#1174 (0) - Posted by MGN Gabrich Varmer
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* COL_Gab tries to help Blob with his chainsaw but cuts his head instead... oh sorry :P
<Blob> ow..
<Blob> Says the head*
<COL_Gab> heh
* Blob grabs his head and runs off to surgeon

#1171 (0) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
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<Sair> Its sheathed, Cay. I'm nearly as stupid as some people.

#1169 (4) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:34] <`Kaz> That book was almost as bad as Darksaber
[22:34] <Kirghy> lol
[22:34] <`Davery> LOL
[22:34] <`Davery> nothing was quite as bad as Darksaber, however
[22:34] <`Kaz> no...
[22:35] <Kirghy> I love the fact that they mention the fact that the Ssi'ruk debris are "hot" but that never comes into play.
[22:35] <`Kaz> With KJA and his "thousands and thousands" of tie bombers on an SSD
[22:35] <Kerensky> Heh
[22:35] <`Kaz> Or the VSD fighters
[22:35] <Kerensky> didnt you know?
[22:35] <`Kaz> Swarming around at high speed
[22:35] <`Davery> Or the cloaked ultra mega Super Star Destroyer
[22:35] <Kerensky> it was the Super Bomber Carrier Star Destroyer.
[22:35] <`Kaz> Not cloaked
[22:35] <`Kaz> It had invisible paint
[22:35] <Kirghy> o.O
[22:35] <`Kaz> All the VSDs were painted red
[22:35] <Kirghy> I'm glad I havent' read that one.
[22:36] <`Kaz> And 70 of them attacked 12 ISDs like fighters
[22:36] <`Pluto> damn them for stealing my ideas!
[22:36] <`Davery> lol
[22:36] <Kerensky> Whoosh!
[22:36] <`Davery> Swooping in and firing like crazy
[22:36] *** Sconn has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:36] <`Davery> They went so fast the ISD's couldn't even target them
[22:36] <Kerensky> Those old rickety ships are fast, you know
[22:36] <`Kaz> I f*cking hate KJA
[22:36] <`Kaz> He's what's wrong with books in general, SW or not
[22:36] <Kerensky> heh..
[22:37] <`Kaz> Does it take that long to read a technical readout or two?
[22:37] <Kerensky> Dont forget that one series of his, the jedi apprentice training sh*t series.
[22:37] <`Davery> apparently it does
[22:37] <`Kaz> Im not even touching the whole "Hutt builds a death star but it's not really a deathstar just the laser part"
[22:37] <Kerensky> I found that book funny.
[22:37] <Kerensky> I mean..litttle rodents stealing the death star plans?
[22:38] <`Davery> rofl
[22:38] <`Davery> not really a deathstar
[22:38] <`Davery> And that one scientist guy that they kept kiling
[22:38] <`Kaz> With bugs
[22:38] <Kerensky> from a heavily guarded computer. which just happened to be in like some sorta senate building....even though anyone with an ounce of sense wouldnt keep files that sensitive in such a place?
[22:38] <Kerensky> Poor Bevel.
[22:39] <Kerensky> I actually felt sorry for that character.
[22:39] <Kerensky> "you screwed up. Time to die" "Sh*t, not again"
[22:39] <`Davery> Of course there was also brain-in-jar monks
[22:39] <Kerensky> those were in RotJ though.
[22:39] <Kerensky> well..for about 2 seconds
[22:39] <Kirghy> yeah, but they're cannon.
[22:40] <Kerensky> Of course..I suppose kyp wasnt so bad.
[22:40] <Kerensky> I mean, a jedi who blew up a few star systems?
[22:40] <Kirghy> lol
[22:40] <Kerensky> just cause he was an angsty teen?
[22:40] <Kerensky> hey, sounds cool to me.
[22:40] <`Pluto> give me a weapon powerful enough and i'd be tempted
[22:40] <Kerensky> ..except for the whole part of using the force to pull the ship out of yavin
[22:40] <`Davery> in RotJ there was one spider liek thing that LOOKED like it had a jar on it
[22:41] *** Vendzor has joined #auroraforce
[22:41] <`Davery> Not a whole community of monks :P
[22:41] <`Pluto> 'specially if i was all angsty
[22:41] <Kerensky> that was stupid.
[22:41] <`Kaz> ....Im not....going to....start on...the sun crusher
[22:41] <`Kaz> Im just....not
[22:41] <`Kaz> when a death star chased it
[22:41] <Kerensky> ....true. A death star chasing it..
[22:41] <Kerensky> that was a little..far fetched.
[22:41] <Vendzor> ..?
[22:41] <Kerensky> we're ripping on KJA, vender
[22:41] <Vendzor> When did that happen?
[22:42] <Vendzor> He's an ass.
[22:42] <Kirghy> 'nuff said
[22:42] <Kerensky> Thank you, you are welcome to the conversation now
[22:42] <Vendzor> He had a DS chasing..wait..the fact that he had a DS at all..
[22:42] <`Kaz> Yeah
[22:42] <`Kaz> It was a secret unfinished one
[22:42] <Kerensky> And a whole secret labratory.
[22:42] <Vendzor> Riiiight.
[22:42] <`Kaz> Stolen from a lab in the middle of a bunch of black holes
[22:43] <`Kaz> See, the sun crusher tricked the death star into falling in one
[22:43] <`Kaz> Then it sped away from the black hole
[22:43] <`Kaz> Cause you know, that's perfectly logical
[22:43] <Vendzor> lol
[22:43] <Kerensky> Yeah.
[22:43] <`Kaz> They f*cking bend time
[22:43] <`Kaz> But a spaceship can run away
[22:43] <Kerensky> doesnt matter that at those ranges, they all should have been burnt crispy by the radiation
[22:43] <`Kaz> Oh
[22:44] <`Kaz> Dont forget the sun crusher has invincible armor
[22:44] <`Kaz> And the death star can shoot it
[22:44] <Vendzor> rofl
[22:44] <Kerensky> ...I think the whole ramming through a star destroyer was cool thoguh.
[22:44] <Kerensky> ..of course, i find it hard to believe that didnt tear every weapon off the ship, as well as ruin the launcher.
[22:45] <`Kaz> Course not
[22:45] <`Kaz> It's got QUANTUM ARMOR
[22:45] <`Kaz> Which is INVINCIBLE
[22:45] <Kerensky> Yeah. He DID ride out a supernova..
[22:45] <Kerensky> didnt he have the door open?
[22:45] <Kirghy> lol
[22:46] <Kerensky> survived a supernova..with the door open.

#1167 (2) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Kaz> They tried to beg Jordan to play for the them in the world games they lost
<`Davery> nobody.... if you're playing jungleball
<`Kaz> He was too busy getting a new hip
<`Davery> poor Jordan. He just needs to go somewhere and be quiet for about 10 years
<`Kaz> I hear he uses Dave's doctor
<`Davery> And stop coming back
<`Kaz> Went with the same model as you too, the TurboHip 3000
<`Davery> rofl
<`Davery> the TurboHip
<Sair-semi> TurboHip...
<Sair-semi> That just sounds so right.
<`Davery> Perfect for swinging hips

#1166 (2) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:10] <Depharic> We should just have Shaq be our team.
[22:10] <Depharic> Shaq vs. North Korea.
[22:10] <`Kaz> heh
[22:10] <`Davery> except he can't shoot to save his life
[22:10] <`Davery> He'd have to clothesline all the Koreans to get to the hoop
[22:10] <`Kaz> Thing is, none of those guys want to be bothered playing for games they dont get paid in
[22:10] <Depharic> Who needs to shoot when you weigh more than the other team combined.

#1165 (1) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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<`Davery> We had quite a bit of a problem
<`Davery> Spanish everywhere and poor Jason got overwhelmed
<`Kaz> lol
<`Davery> He kept setting the ban wrong
<`Kaz> Well he is Jason
<`Davery> And like.. Rich was yelling at him and calling him a moron
<`Davery> Or something
<`Kaz> I noticed Dea managed to ban our IP
<Kirghy> lol
<`Davery> rofl

#1164 (4) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Kaz> Did Mike ever leave?
<`Kaz> Seems like he just spends his days making up a new name
<`Davery> lol
<`Kaz> You havent noticed?
<`Davery> heh.. GheyMon
<`Kaz> Every single day it's a new one
<`Davery> Yeah, I have noticed
<`Davery> It's a subtle way for him and Los to f*ck
<`Kaz> I mean, Im giving it a week before Rahj walks in on them
<`Davery> rofl
<`Davery> And Wyvern appears out of nowhere to threaten him with MoJ charges
<Kirghy> lol
<`Kaz> ...I laughed so hard at that
<`Kaz> couldnt.....stop...laughing
<`Davery> As did we all
<`Kaz> Just the idea of Rahj happily going about his business on IRC, and BAM
<`Kaz> There's Wyvern getting it on
<Depharic> Heh
<`Davery> I still don't understand why he entered that channel anyway
<`Kaz> I bet he screamed like a girl <`Kaz> Running away to Subway
<`Davery> "Oh look, I whoised Wyvern and he's in some suspicious channel called '#ICYBERWITHALTA' maybe I'll go in!"
<`Kaz> The rant Wyvern gave was even better
<`Davery> Yes.. I got the rant in its entirety. He made a special plea to me to restrain Rahj. I think I just encouraged him to make fun of them more.
<`Davery> Yes, I was a just FC
<`Kaz> Kind of like when I was mocking those EH ambassadors
<`Davery> rofl
<Depharic> 'restrain' Rahj?
<`Davery> B-I-N-G-O
<`Kaz> Much as I may dislike Rahj at times, that was classic
<`Kaz> Why do people insist on coming to IRC to pretend to f*ck
<Depharic> Lack of IRL pussy?
<`Kaz> commas aren't that erotic
<`Davery> I hope not
<`Davery> All we need to do is be accidentally turning on Shik or something
<Depharic> Heh
<`Kaz> rofl

#1163 (-1) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[23:00] <`Davery> So Jan, what brings you to these hours to rub shoulders with the unmentionable dregs of RS society? :P
[23:00] <Jan-lo> I had to kick back and see some silliness after a tough mission. :P
[23:00] <Tag> ...Dave, since when are we the dregs?
[23:00] <Kerensky> ....thank you, dave, for restating my question in such a way that made it utterly boring
[23:00] * Tag holds a blaster under Dave's chin.
[23:01] <Jan-lo> ...
[23:01] <`Davery> Case in point
[23:01] <`Davery> Erin holds a "blaster" under my chin
[23:01] <`Davery> Like I was saying :P
[23:01] <Cay-Qel> lol
[23:01] <Kirghy> There's an easier way.
[23:01] <Jan-lo> He's got a point, Tag. ;)
[23:01] * Kirghy kicks Dave in the shins
[23:01] <Jan-lo> ...
[23:01] <Jan-lo> Stop beating up my wingman.
[23:01] <Kerensky> Dave's your wingman?
[23:01] * `Davery kills Kirghy
[23:02] <`Davery> Isn't it ironic? :P
[23:02] <Jan-lo> If Ghost ever gets started. :P
[23:02] <Sconn> Dave's my bitch.
[23:02] * Tag sits the old man in his chair and gives him his cane and his medication.
[23:02] <Cay-Qel> of course...remember when she did it with him and...uhhh...Face, I think
[23:02] <Tag> Raptorpoo and I flew together.
[23:02] <Cay-Qel> :-P
[23:02] * Jan-lo steals the cane and gives the medication to Entropy
[23:02] <`Davery> wasn't me
[23:02] <Tag> It was an interesting experience.
[23:02] *** Kirghy is now known as GhostKirg
[23:02] <GhostKirg> Dang it Dave
[23:02] <`Davery> We flew together?
[23:02] <Kerensky> jan, you poor soul
[23:02] *** Cay-Qel is now known as GhostElvn
[23:02] <Kerensky> you will be dying first mission, because your wingman's arthritis kicked in
[23:02] * Jan-lo hits Kirghy's respawn button
[23:02] <Jan-lo> rofl
[23:02] *** GhostKirg is now known as Kirghy
[23:02] <Kirghy> lol
[23:02] *** GhostElvn is now known as GhostCay
[23:03] <Tag> The senility, too.

#1160 (3) - Posted by COL Cay-Qel "Pyro" Jade
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Borsk> my god, that guy is a total dipsh*t *** Borsk was kicked by Kyle-LOA (You kiss my ass with that mouth?) *** Kyle-LOA has quit IRC (Quit: Life is like a box of bad chocolate, it gives you the sh*ts) <Borsk> hypocrite, anyone? :P

#1159 (5) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* Cephisus plays Born to be Wild
* Cephisus plays AC/DC- Highway to Hell
* Cephisus plays Shin Shan's song :p
* Licah plays Bach - BWV 541 =P
<COL_Gab> whoa
<COL_Gab> that's music
<Cephisus> Bach? is a singer of Heavy metal?

#1157 (2) - Posted by VA Gavin Cantorph Kravis
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TFA Exar Kun: hehe his packets were bigger than ours
RS_Sconn: I had packet envy
RS_Sconn: Y'know what they say: Once you go pack, you never go back...

#1155 (2) - Posted by FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
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<Glytch> I'd like to see Jar Jar chopped up and put into little jars. Call them Jar Jar jars.

#1154 (0) - Posted by COL Cephisus Balder
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* Himm looks around. No Gab is to be seen, so he grabs the opportunity to op Ceph before Gab can make any protests
*** Himm sets mode: +o Cephisus

#1153 (6) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:44] <`JK_Rich> And what's your name, person at Gav's computer. :P
[22:44] <Executer> yay!
[22:44] <Executer> me?
[22:44] <Executer> Erin
[22:44] <Kirghy> o.O
[22:45] <Sconn> I KNEW IT!
[22:45] <Kirghy> No, no, no, no, no....
[22:45] <Sconn> AGUH!
[22:45] <Kirghy> roflmao
[22:45] <`Entropy> rofl
[22:45] * Sconn hides!
[22:45] * Sconn hides A LOT!

#1152 () - Posted by FA Cyrel Vandroth
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[13:27] <Kelron> Suicide is pointless.
[13:27] *** `Spyder is now known as SpyCANCER

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