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#1296 (1) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<GizAFK> :P
<Deltan> ... NOOOOOOOOO!

#1295 (2) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Deltan> You know, I'm just having fun putting together the different outfits and color schemes. I've made myself about eight different outfits yesterday just to see what I liked the best. :P
<GizAFK> heh heh
<Deltan> I ended up making myself a yellow sleeveless dress than modified my hair color, lip color and eyeshadow. :P
<Deltan> ... I think this whole gender bending thing is getting to me...

#1294 (2) - Posted by COL Cay-Qel "Pyro" Jade
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<LCM_Tyro> Yes..i've finally found it..
<Cay-Qel> Your dick?
<LCM_Tyro> Huh? No. That's still missing.

#1293 (1) - Posted by RA Himm El-Syna
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* Darkslime is now known as DSNihongo
* Himm hides under the table
* DSNihongo pulls out a datapad, and brings up japanese lessons
<DSNihongo> You can come out now, I'm done with the milk :)
* Himm stuffs his own ears with dried strawberries
<DSNihongo> heh.. you better plug your ears
* Himm consider teaching Darkslime some Norwegian
<Himm> that's almost as bad as japanese
<DSNihongo> Hajimemaste, Namiko desu.
<DSNihongo> Doozo yoroshiku.
<DSNihongo> cut and paste doesn't really work with carraige returns involved
<Himm> men jeg kan også mange vanskelige uttrykk
<Himm> tør du prøve på dem?
<Himm> favorittordet er selvsagt angstskrik
<DSNihongo> shizumeru!!!
<DSNihongo> watashi wa noruweijan wakaru!!
<Himm> ja, jeg liker også hvalkjøtt!
<DSNihongo> shizumeru, baka no hito!!
* Himm enjoys the conversation
<Himm> luere på hvorfor japanere bruker doble anførselstegn?
<DSNihongo> watashi wa iu anata o!
<DSNihongo> watashi wa noruweijan wakaru!
<Himm> det samme sa du i stad!
<Himm> vær litt mer kreativ :)
<DSNihongo> shimatta... baka no hito... SHIZUMERU!!!
<Himm> du høres ut som et helt nintendospill aleine
<DSNihongo> nintendo?
<Himm> lol
<Himm> I said that you sound as a nintendo game
<DSNihongo> kore wa nekkyo
<DSNihongo> heh

#1292 (0) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<COL_Raven> I was going to imitate Davin
<COL_Raven> but someone has his nickname
<COL_Raven> davin is ~hyt@ * richad
<COL_Raven> davin on #gay
<COL_Randy> LMFAO!
<COL_Randy> I KNEW IT!
<Toran> lol
<Toran> It's DAVIN!
<Toran> There CAN'T be two of them!
<Xenkari> Boy, that's an eye-opener

#1289 (6) - Posted by MGN Gabrich Varmer
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Deltan> I'm half German and half Mexican. That means I want to take over the world but I'm too lazy to do anything about it.

#1288 (-2) - Posted by MGN Gabrich Varmer
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Licah> you should go for FC, Gab :P
<DevAzza> yeah vote Gab :)
<Licah> we could move to

#1286 (0) - Posted by RA Himm El-Syna
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* rbl_8 punches Reabel
<reabel> ow
<reabel> .....
<Himm> it's a bit like we have it here; large areas of wilderness, and no people
<rbl_8> i went to that area of BC when I was 4
<reabel> really? so did I!
* Himm gets worried; "what was in the hutt snacks?"
* rbl_8 was kicked by reabel ( can guess why)
* rbl_8 has joined #IBG
<rbl_8> arg why you little!
* rbl_8 starts strangling Reabel
* reabel strangles Rbl_8 as well
<reabel> this is fun
<Himm> if you now join with about ten more nicks, then Vender will be mighty please with the IRC participation in the IBG
<Himm> *pleased
<reabel> huh....
<Himm> well, I have to go
* ibgso has joined #IBG
<Himm> see you
<ibgso> good day!
<Himm> lol
<Himm> good night; it's past midnight around here :)
* Nightwlf has joined #IBG
<Nightwlf> wow
<Himm> lol lol
<Himm> this starts to look scary
<Nightwlf> crap 4 max
<Himm> heh
<rbl_8> i agree
<reabel> so do i
<ibgso> me too
<ibgso> every body join in!
///the best response this far on Vender's kind admonition to the IBG'ers to join in on IRC - Reab was very much present...

#1277 (3) - Posted by LCL Jagged Drayson
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<Lance_KO> <<I hate being unconcious. I can't do anything rediculous:P>>
<Jagged_15> «truer words were never spoken»

#1275 (-3) - Posted by COL Cay-Qel "Pyro" Jade
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Ciredik> MrPrank113: hi babe *** Ciredik Quit (Quit: Your pants.. you will not need them.)

#1274 (0) - Posted by FA Cyrel Vandroth
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Dorsk> Cay, come comp stomp with us!
<Zak-SCBW> He's busy getting cyber poon from shan
<Cay-Qel> Nah, just talkin'
<Zak-SCBW> so that's what you call it now a days "talkn'", I'm on to your secret code :P
<Dorsk> So what's 'busy'?
<Zak-SCBW> wanking :P
<Cay-Qel> Busy was five minutes ago.
<Zak-SCBW> ...
<Zak-SCBW> Cay, go wash your hands and come on :P
<Dorsk> Use soap please.
<Cay-Qel> I washed my hands 4 minutes ago. :-P
<Dorsk> Do it again.

#1273 (3) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Randy> I wanna be RS Information Minister if I ever come back, Rahj
<Toran> What would the RS need one for? "The roster database is working fine! There are no problems with it!"? :P
<RS_Gizmo> "Han solo was not captured by the empire! he just went on a short vacation, mainly to show his contempt for the imperialistic dogs!
<RS_Gizmo> "
<`Randy> "Shik did not have sexual relations with that intern, Licah."
<Shikizzle> there's an intern I'd like to be having sexual relations with... rawr...
<Toran> You want to have sex with Licah?

#1272 (3) - Posted by CMDR Tethran Cotec
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Zombie> You also told me you were male!
<Licah> Sorry honey
<Licah> These things happen

#1271 (2) - Posted by COL Cay-Qel "Pyro" Jade
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* `Spyder considers going to bed...
<Cay-Qel> Out of my bed, Spyder
<Cay-Qel> *mind
<Cay-Qel> Out of my mind
<`Spyder> rofl!

#1269 (2) - Posted by LCM Kell Horn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Davery> Imagine this guy walking out of the store naked with a poop-smeared ass <`Davery> ..actually, don't imagine that

#1264 (0) - Posted by FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Codyman> It's a good thing you've learned latin. Because when the undead people of long dead empires rise again to take over the world, you'll be able to talk to them as they eat your brains

#1261 (2) - Posted by MGN Alexander Kerensky
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Daryus> anyone here know if the fleet passwords have been changed?
<Kerensky> YES!
<Kerensky> the passwords HAVE been changed
<Daryus> okay, so I contact Ent or Sconn for the new one, right?
<Kerensky> No, you contact Ronin
<Kerensky> he owns the RS now
<Daryus> okay...
<Daryus> His email listed somewhere?

#1258 (1) - Posted by RA Adam "Vender" Fene
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Syndic> They won't accept you don't belive in God, therefore, you shouldn't accept that they do. :P

#1256 (4) - Posted by MGN Gabrich Varmer
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Ceph-AFK> 1
<Ceph-AFK> 2
<Ceph-AFK> 3
<Ceph-AFK> Gab appear!
<Indy> Seems your timing is off.
<Ceph-AFK> let's try again
<Ceph-AFK> 1
<Ceph-AFK> 2
<Ceph-AFK> 3
<Ceph-AFK> Gab appear!
* Gabrich has joined #pbf

#1254 (1) - Posted by MGN Mat Bizegar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<CMDRJan> If I need adjusting, I'll adjust myself. No need for Rahj to get involved. :P

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