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#1763 (9) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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<@Sconn> Did you report XvT or XWA?
<MrAss> Did you report XvT or ASS?
<@Sconn> Damn straight, MrAss.
<@Sconn> Damn straight.

#1762 (4) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
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<Sconn> oh god
<Sconn> my farts smell atrocious right now
<Sconn> I was gonna blame the dog
<Sconn> until I realized that was me

#1760 (9) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
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<CPT_James> you are 5'3? You are now to short for me
<@ADM_Raven> ...
<`Eric> LOL
<`IronMan> James, you can't act like you have choices.
<Teu> lol
<Ray_D> shit
<Ray_D> if i knew that was all it was going to take...
<Ray_D> i would have stated it sooner
<@Markus_J> Annnd there James goes cutting out the one woman who might actually touch his cock for cash
<@Licah> James has now called Ray too fat and short in one sitting

#1758 (8) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:46] <Ray_D> i totally just passed up sex for a bubblewrap game on an ipod. :P WIN.
[22:46] <Teu> ......................
[22:46] * Sconn is now known as SconnAFK
[22:49] <Ray_D> what? its an awesome game.

#1757 (5) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:43] <Teu> why the fuck does this person want to ball me argh
[22:43] <Teu> call*
[22:43] <Kirghy> lol
[22:43] <Teu> i need to go to bed
[22:44] <Sconn> ROFL
[22:44] <Ray_D> lololol

#1756 (3) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
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<Ray_D> kirgs i think you are going to have to take a look at this for me if you can
<@Kirghy> will give it a shot
<@Kirghy> whenever you're ready
<Silaraa_K> Oh shi-
<Ray_D> its loading up or whatever
<Ray_D> i feel so..... exposed.
<Ray_D> lol
<Silaraa_K> you what?
<Ray_D> kirgs is in my laptop. :P
<Silaraa_K> Ohhhh.
<Silaraa_K> I love when that happens :P
<Ray_D> rofl
<Ray_D> you love it when kirghy is in your laptop?
<Ray_D> does it make you feel special?
<Ray_D> :P
<@Kirghy> wut?
<Ray_D> lol
<Silaraa_K> ...
<Silaraa_K> No, I love going inside someone else's computer.
<Ray_D> lol

#1755 (2) - Posted by LGN Rhuryc
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<@RA_Cyrel> Kane, if this is making you uncomfortable, feel free to say so. I'll hapilly banhammer.
<Rhuryc> Oh shi-
<Kane_R> But the one you decided to call me...
<Kane_R> ...seriously?
<Rhuryc> Wait for it.
<Rhuryc> Waaaaaaaaait for it.
<Kane_R> You know I'd just say I feel uncomfortable just to see the banhammer?
<@RA_Cyrel> In that case, go for it.
* Rhuryc waits for it.
* RA_Cyrel sets mode: +b *!*@
* Kane_R was kicked by RA_Cyrel (ahahahah)
* Rhuryc highfives Cyrel.
* @RA_Cyrel hi5s.

#1753 (9) - Posted by GEN Markus Jarnhann
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<McKaz> Again...why did they exile me to the channel noobs go to for information

#1748 (3) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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<`IronMan> "Hi, my name is Lucas Stark, and you probably know me from kickin' Imperial ass from pillar to post...."

#1747 (2) - Posted by 1LT Darren Jeter
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<MCal> well, your wish is Chicago's desire
<MCal> Minnesota has the ball again
<MCal> because Cutler sucks ass
<MCal> lmao
<MCal> I love the commentator's remark about Favre
<MCal> "Considering that Favre's had an average of 17 interceptions per season, and the fact that he's had 3 this season, you'd have to wonder if the coach is sweating bullets about a slew of bad luck"

#1743 (11) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
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<Markus_J> ...and another one finds confusion in the shenanigans that constitute the B&G.
<Markus_J> My job here is done.
<Markus_J> AWAY!
* Markus_J flees into the night.

#1742 (12) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
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<Codyman> arent there like directions somewhere?
<TaReDjo> Thats why im having so much trouble
<TaReDjo> i never actually filled out a join form... i dont even know if they had them when i first started
<TaReDjo> and i talked to one of the guuys in Red Squadron, and he said something about having an instructor? or something
<TaReDjo> but i havent heard anything from any of them either
<TaReDjo> and Castor cant figure it out when he is 600 miles away and in bed!
<Codyman> you have his phone number?
<TaReDjo> i should hope so! lol
<Codyman> family?
<TaReDjo> im his daughter. :D
<Markus_J> Saaaair
<TaReDjo> I was reading the bylaws... and i laughed when it said the "chain of command" and how the RSFC was only to be contacted as a last resort.
<Markus_J> Saaiiirrr
<Markus_J> I thought you were supposed to prevent Castor from spawning?!

#1741 (10) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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* @Bylaws section 6: Sconn
* @Bylaws 6.1: Am Sconn.
* @Bylaws 6.2 Do not dispute this fact.

#1740 (14) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:32] * `Kyle quit scouts to take up Ninja and later baseball
[22:33] <NotSconn> I quit scouts to take up marijuana and alcoholism.

#1739 (11) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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[01:14] <`Fiona> fuck
[01:14] <`Fiona> my phone is completely dead
[01:14] <`Fiona> this is not good
[01:14] <Sconn> ?
[01:14] <Sconn> no charger?
[01:14] <`Fiona> it's plugged in
[01:14] <`Fiona> it won't turn on and the charging light isn't coming on
[01:14] <`Fiona> fuck
[01:14] <Sconn> what kind of phone?
[01:14] <`Fiona> smartphone
[01:14] <`Fiona> HTC Diamond
[01:14] <Sconn> take the battery out for starters
[01:14] <Sconn> and the SIM card if you've got one
[01:14] <Sconn> unplug it first, obv.
[01:14] <`Fiona> did the former, no sim card
[01:15] <Sconn> ...weird.
[01:15] <Sconn> did you like...spill something on it or something?
[01:15] <`Fiona> nope
[01:15] <`Fiona> ... wtf
[01:15] <`Fiona> took the battery out a second time
[01:15] <`Fiona> it works now
[01:15] <`Fiona> jesus
[01:16] <Sconn> AM SCONN

#1736 (7) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
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[7:57pm] * HeavyD never Spyder, probably to the best from the stories
[7:57pm] HeavyD: never knew*
[7:57pm] Sconn: That's not surprising
[7:57pm] Skrev: Be gld
[7:57pm] Skrev: *glad
[7:57pm] Skrev: Be very glad that you never met her.
[7:57pm] Sconn: The best RS experience i've ever had irl
[7:57pm] Sconn: Probably
[7:58pm] Licah: ....

#1734 (4) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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<`Kaz> live your life after resuce me
<`Kaz> nothing can go wrong

#1727 (27) - Posted by LCL Anubis
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<ADM_Raven> On the plus side
<ADM_Raven> I fulfilled another of my top 100 goals in life
<@RA_Cyrel> made a bank employee cry?
<Valen> lol
<ADM_Raven> and that was say "Bitch, give me my money." and have it be true
<ADM_Raven> I got so mad I just blurted it out on the phone

#1724 (16) - Posted by LCL Anubis
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<Kane_R> You know...I'm actually thinking...
<`Eric> WHAT?!?!?
<Nicolai> Thinking?
<Nicolai> Wtf

#1721 (14) - Posted by BGN Eric Reagan
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<Kyle_31> Am Kyle! subsequently all die from utter failure
<Kane_Dead> Lol
<Z_17> cept me
<Z_17> because of the tree I planted, right? ;)
<Eric_23> Yeah
<Eric_23> but you die
<Eric_23> because you get attacked by muppets
<Eric_23> since you know I'm dead and not around to kill them
<RA_Cyrel> Right, so apparently we need Kyle and Sconn in the same room, just going "Am Kyle!" "Am Sconn!" back and forth
<Z_17> They are over grown socks, I think I got it
<Kane_Dead> ...
<Tawny_23> Like hell you do
<Z_17> overgrown*
<Eric_23> roflmao
<Kane_Dead> I read "They are over grown cocks"...
<Tawny_23> But I'm still alive
<Kyle_31> Am Kyle!-the universe begins to collapse "Am Sconn!"-And it's back
<Eric_23> ROFL
<Z_17> LOL
<Eric_23> figures Kane
Kane_Dead facepalms.
<Eric_23> I am quoting that.

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