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#1381 (-2) - Posted by COL Reabel
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[22:11] <`Kaz> But you'd be surprised how many plates full of change I e(a)t

#1380 (1) - Posted by GEN Deltan Saviri
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<GizAFK> is it me, or does the stun baton look like a giant military kinky dildo?
<Xtremegene> good call Giz
<Xtremegene> want to go fencer now? :P
<Xtremegene> or duel a fencer -_-
<GizAFK> and those broken lightsabers.. very dildo/vibrator esq
<GizAFK> no, I'll carry on using my fist

#1379 (3) - Posted by LCL Jagged Drayson
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Dineer> know when Licah will be back around?
<Phil_Dark> sorry don't know
<@Jagged> never
<Dineer> did you kill him?
<@Jagged> he ran away to work for Bill Gates as a personal assistant
<Dineer> oh.
<Dineer> that's even worse.

#1377 (1) - Posted by COL Reabel
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[17:54] <`Entropy> I care.
[17:54] <`Entropy> Honestly I do

#1373 (-2) - Posted by CPT Kyle Dineer
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[03:08 AM] <Dineer> she's in-fucking-vincible, man.
[03:08 AM] <Tallon> Sounds like a challenge.
[03:09 AM] <Tallon> Maybe I'll ask Indy the "Witch" if she's got a spell to kill old people.

#1372 (-1) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<@Aidyn> Hang on, let me tinker with this piece of crap..

#1371 (3) - Posted by COL Cay-Qel "Pyro" Jade
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<Reabel> trust me, im the expert on retardedness

#1370 (1) - Posted by COL Cay-Qel "Pyro" Jade
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
8:57:25 PM <Reabel> I eat poo

#1369 (2) - Posted by BGN Topachea Nabbirie
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Cay-Qel> Damn you, T! Damn you to hell!

#1368 (0) - Posted by ADM Shikkie Kaaran
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Codyman> you know it's been a good night when you spend the remaining moments of your evening talking to a wasted elderly gas station attendent in a bar...

#1367 (2) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[03:00:02] <Aidyn> GM: The spiked ball slams into Malik, literally slamming him into the concrete block.
[03:00:04] <Aidyn> !r 5
[03:00:04] <Malik_21> Aidyn: 5d6 -- 4 3 3 6 4 -- Total: 20
[03:00:11] <Aidyn> GM: Roll armor resistance.
[03:00:14] <Malik_21> Malik_21: 2d6+1 -- 6 6 +1 -- Total: 21 Bonus: 8
[03:00:18] <COL_Raven> <<ROFL>>
[03:00:18] <Malik_21> <<W00T!>>
[03:00:48] <Aidyn> GM: The spikes piece inside his armor, touching his skin lightly...but not penetrating. He's had the living air knocked out of him though, and a Spiked ball stuck to his front end.

#1366 (2) - Posted by RA Snappleguy
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8:35 PM: Shikmo: did someone fux the ranks?
8:35 PM: `Jon: I remember you did once ;P

#1365 (4) - Posted by RA Snappleguy
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
8:17 PM: `Kaz: Hey Snap
8:17 PM: SnapGuy: Hey Kaz
8:17 PM: `Kaz: Can you program a Stupidity Filter?
8:17 PM: *** NOSd00d is now known as ReabelRTOK
8:17 PM: SnapGuy: Sure
8:17 PM: *** Mode change "+m" on #rs_bar_and_Grill by SnapGuy
8:17 PM: SnapGuy: Done
8:17 PM: *** Mode change "+o `Kaz" on #rs_bar_and_Grill by X
8:17 PM: `Kaz: niiiice

#1364 (4) - Posted by RA Snappleguy
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
4:08 PM: *** Gabrich ( has joined channel #rs_bar_and_Grill
4:08 PM: Licah: hey Gab
4:08 PM: Gabrich: hey
4:08 PM: *** Signoff: Sau_Landor (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
4:09 PM: Licah: Oh yeah
4:09 PM: Licah: Your internet working yet?

#1363 (5) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Licah> IE now has the slightest of a text jog
<SnapGuy> works in safari
<SnapGuy> haxx0r it?
<Licah> I tried
<Licah> It's being really annoying about it and won't listen
<SnapGuy> <ie> NO
* SnapGuy sets mode '+b ie!*@all.computers.*'
* ie was kicked from reality by SnapGuy (F*CKING STUPID BROWSER)

#1361 (3) - Posted by MGN Gabrich Varmer
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<RS_Spokes> laterz
*** RS_Spokes (Spokes@* Quit <06/19/2004> (Quit: Spokes tosses a few credits on the bar and rolls out...)
<RS_Ton> cya
<Gab_AFK> that was too late, Ton. :P
<DevAzza> I'm off see ya later
*** DevAzza (DevAzza@* Quit <06/19/2004> (Quit)
<RS_Ton> cya

#1359 (-3) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<EvilDarknyte> I not e dget stoned

#1357 (5) - Posted by LCL Jagged Drayson
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
More clueless ineptitude...
<Reabel> kaz is here
<Reabel> kaz is a moron
<Reabel> oops
<Licah> wrong channel there, bud

#1356 (3) - Posted by CPT Max Tallon
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Entropy> We do have a Rear Admiral rank.
<Sconn> Which, thankfully, I haven't attained.
<Indy> Yeah, and I'm sure you boys enjoyed looking at mine while I held that rank.
<`Entropy> Not really.

#1354 (4) - Posted by CMDR Rekstar Rukilian
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
Allston netsplitted... O.O

<Randy> Aidyn...
<Jan-lo> Aidyn talked...
<Rekstar> O.O
<Randy> I really wasn't all that curious :-P
<Licah> ROFL
<Xtremegene> ouch
<Licah> ROFL
<Aidyn> Dude..
<Xtremegene> and he netsplitted x_x
<Aidyn> I killed him
<Rekstar> oh dear
<Jan-lo> O_O
<Licah> ahahahaha
<Randy> :-P
* Randy dies laughing
<Reabel> lol
* Jan-lo can't breathe
<Reabel> same here
<DevAzza> lol
<Licah> thank you Undernet. thank you.
<Reabel> omg
<Reabel> noooo
<Rekstar> lol
<Jan-lo> heehee
<Reabel> lol
<Licah> Snap: you around?
<DevAzza> lol
<Licah> I'm wondering if someone should go looking on undernet servers for Allston :P
<Aidyn> It's not my fault!
<Aidyn> I'll go find him
<Aidyn> ..wait.
<Aidyn> Bad idea.

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