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#1838 () - Posted by CMDR Yaihi'l Beskar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
McNuggets: Sounds about like me to miss out on the good stuff
Ceradan Jade: that's what happens when you spend your days and nights with a sock :stuck_out_tongue:

#1837 (3) - Posted by FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[8:14 PM] MGN_Nicolai: I'm to the point where I kind of want to kill off Nico and Sara and just stop writing in the RS altogether. Sick and tired of being called an emo bitch
[8:15 PM] McGruff: O_O
[8:15 PM] Kaz: That kinda comes off as emo
[8:16 PM] Codyman: That was super emo
[8:16 PM] Teu: heh
[8:17 PM] MGN_Nicolai: Sweet. Well, I'm out then.
[8:18 PM] Codyman: I think "I'm to the point where I kind of want to kill off Nico and Sara and just stop writing in the RS altogether. Sick and tired of being called an emo bitch" is a fallout boy song title
[8:18 PM] McGruff: HAHA
[8:19 PM] McGruff: More like a "Panic at the Disco" title
[8:19 PM] MGN_Nicolai: I want nothing more to do with Zealot
[8:20 PM] McGruff: tosses Nico a Hot Topic card
[8:20 PM] MGN_Nicolai: I'm going LOA and preparing my resignation
[8:20 PM] MGN_Nicolai: Thanks

#1835 (3) - Posted by FA Cyrel Vandroth
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[21:34] * Sterling_19 is now known as Sterling_-2
[21:34] <Teubles> my niece now knows r2d2 and c3p0 i am an awesome aunt
[21:34] <`Josh> Excellent!
[21:35] <McGruff> Exploded out the back of your head.......
[21:35] <McGruff> Doesn't sound good
[21:35] <@Sterling_-2> Boom, headshot
[21:37] <Cross> Hey guys.
[21:37] <Cross> Hey guys.
[21:37] <Cross> This is how Cross keeps in shape.
[21:37] <Cross> I call it...
[21:37] <Cross> Cross training.
[21:37] <Lir`ata> ...
[21:37] <McGruff> ........
[21:37] * Cross was kicked by Sterling_-2 (You deserve it.)

#1834 (0) - Posted by COL Galen McGrath
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor

Falling down = me in bed later... going down = my wife in bed later

#1833 (1) - Posted by COL Galen McGrath
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<MGN_Nicolai> If I have to dumb it down any further, I might have to lobtomize myself with a ballpoint pen and then transfer to Red Squadron

#1832 (0) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
In regards to Trivia Answers:

<raydjo> Bob Hope?
<Cyrel> Dont' judge me
<raydjo> LOL

#1831 (0) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<raydjo> wheres cody!?
<Skrevish> He went on a safari
* Codyman ( has joined #RS_BAR_AND_GRILL
<Skrevish> Oh look he has returned from his safari
<MGN_Nicolai> lol well played

#1830 (1) - Posted by COL Teu Veld
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<@`Josh> :D
<`IronMan> Were you just havin' a convo with yourself?
<@`Josh> Maybe. >.>
* `IronMan ( Quit (Quit: )

#1829 (1) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
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<Codyman> do the reports go on the front page anymore?
<BGN_Nicolai> not anymore, the old reporting system I guess doesnt support the new format
<BGN_Nicolai> so we don't use that one anymore, it's links instead in the ITOD announcement page
<Codyman> :-(
<Codyman> it was fun seeing front end activity
<Codyman> when it happened...
<BGN_Nicolai> yeah
<BGN_Nicolai> I dunno how that'll show up this time
<Codyman> so where does it show?
<BGN_Nicolai> I have no clue, wherever this system links to for the HC to see
<Codyman> lol
<Codyman> so site is completely useless

#1825 (2) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
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<@Licah> Josh:
<@Licah> Still there
<Rahm_Nyko> Hi Lamin
<@Licah> Ray, don't look
<Skrevish> lol Josh is always good for giving us boobs.
<@Vaylot> *facepalm*
<Rahm_Nyko> Wow
<@Licah> :D
<@Vaylot> if we ever get sued, it'll be because of you two
<@Vaylot> *shakes finger at licah and josh*
<@Licah> 0:)

#1822 (6) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
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<Skrevish> I wish to state, that I may or may not be on viciden right now
<Sconn> I hope you are.
<Skrevish> Considering I read you name as Scope yep.
<Tawny_40> Sconn IS minty fresh

#1820 (5) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`k> omg nuuu!
<`k> there are smurfs in the soup!
<RS_Cyrel> Lay off the pipe, buddy

#1819 (3) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<RayDjo> KANE
<RayDjo> come play Pazaak with me
* RayDjo headbutts Kane.
<Skreveryish> Kane doesn't exist
<RayDjo> dammit
<RayDjo> why not?
<Skreveryish> Most likely he is at work.
<Skreveryish> He just sits in the channel
<RayDjo> SKREVS!
<RayDjo> come play Pazaak with me!
<RayDjo> lol
<Josh|Sleep> he's in a sim
<RayDjo> ^_-
<RayDjo> JOSH!
<RayDjo> come play Pazaak with me!
<Josh|Sleep> go away I'm sleeping
<RayDjo> LIES

#1818 (2) - Posted by LGN Rhuryc
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor

#1817 (1) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Codyman> i feel dirty watching Penn State
<Codyman> it was on ESPN and I just felt gross and changed to like Elon vs Zuckuss or something

#1816 (4) - Posted by COL Galen McGrath
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor

[22:30] <RayDjo> hey there
[22:30] <RayDjo> i just answered your PMS
[22:30] ->> RayDjo is (...)
[22:30] ->> RayDjo is on: @#rebelsquadrons #vsg #rsacademy #rs_bar_and_grill #pbf
[22:30] ->> RayDjo using * (The Undernet Underworld)
[22:30] ->> RayDjo :End of /WHOIS list.
[22:31] <RayDjo> PM's rather

#1815 (3) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<<Daeron>> I have a mouthful of stormie goo.

#1813 (6) - Posted by BGN Ray Djo
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Silaraa_32> How be going?
<RayDjo> uuuuuuuuh
<RayDjo> welll...
<RayDjo> naseous, mostly
<Silaraa_32> ...
<Silaraa_32> Oh?
<RayDjo> im pregnant
<Silaraa_32> ....Oh.
<Silaraa_32> Gratz? :P
<RayDjo> yes!
<RayDjo> 12/12/12 hahahah. thats my due date.
<RayDjo> and right now... it isnt coming fast enough!
<Silaraa_32> What are the chances that it happens on the 12/12/12? :P
<RayDjo> aaaaah.... kathryn was a week early on her own... and kristin was a week early because i said get her the F out of me
<Silaraa_32> Lol
<Silaraa_32> You don't like people being inside you? <.< >.>
<Silaraa_32> Don't answer that...
<RayDjo> .................
<RayDjo> really?
<RayDjo> REALLY?
<Silaraa_32> Well, you can answer if you want, but I don't really wanna know -.-'
<RayDjo> ROFL

#1812 (3) - Posted by LCL Lunac`her`inar
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<MikeBullian> The medals are a bit faster because I have a quick-change setup and all the materials are done.. I just have to model the dangly bits from scratch.

#1810 (2) - Posted by LGN Mike P. Bullian
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<MikeBullian> So... I take it you already know the meaning of being lonely?

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